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Shriners Hospitals for Children

    Search Knowledge Base
  • Getting started
  • Data structure on Moveshelf
  • Subjects
  • Sessions
  • Upload data (Vicon directory)
  • Data requirements
  • Explore a condition
  • Sports medicine workflow
  • Sports medicine data requirements
  • Run a biomechanical evaluation
  • Gait workflow
  • Gait data requirements
  • Gait data requirements - rotational profile
  • Metadata import
  • Add intervention information
  • Reports on Moveshelf
  • Gait Word reports
  • This page explains the workflow on Moveshelf for both the Shriners sports medicine evaluation and the Shriners gait evalution, and is an additional page to the general knowledge base. For general instructions that are not specific to Shriners, you will be often directed to the general knowledge base.

    This page covers the essential steps, including Getting started, understanding the Data structure, managing Subjects and Sessions, Uploading data, and how to Explore conditions. Additionally, you'll find workflow specific details for the Sports medicine evaluation and the Gait evaluation.

    As the Shriners knowledge base is a hidden website, navigate back by using the return button in your browser after visiting a page on our general knowledge base, or type in your browser again.

    Getting started
    For both Shriners' workflows there are introductory webinars available. This is our recommended way to start and become familiar with Moveshelf and your (new) workflow.
    Login to Moveshelf on the Shriners-specific environment at
    See SSO-login for instructions on how to log in on Moveshelf with Single Sign-on.
    Supported devices & browsers
    For more information about the supported devices and browsers, navigate to supported devices & browsers.


    Data structure on Moveshelf

    Delete projects
    Moveshelf has a subject-oriented data structure. The data of a subject is divided into
    sessionsA session is an overview of all recorded measurements done in one ‘visit’ of a subject. It can include multiple conditions and trials.
    , which then can be divided into
    conditionsA condition is a state in which a subject has been recorded, e.g., barefoot, or with shoes. It can include multiple trials.
    to categorize trials. Your data is ultimately stored in
    trialsA trial contains all data that was captured of a subject during one recording. It can include multiple data types that have been recorded synchronously, e.g. C3D, video, forces and EMG.
    , with one trial per recording. A trial can contain several data types that were recorded synchronously.


    Create a new subject
    You can manually create a subject by clicking on Add new subject.
    Once you have created a new subject, you will be directed to the subject home page. This page gives you a subject overview where you can find all relevant information and data related to this subject.

    Add subject information

    On top of the subject home page the subject information panel will be displayed. By clicking on the Edit button next to the subject’s name (see image below), you will be able to add or edit subject information. Go to add subject info for more details.


    Create a new session
    On the subject home page you can create a new session by clicking on 'Add new session', filling in the session date and name, and clicking on 'Add'. After creating a new session, you will be directed to the session home page. You can always get back to this session home page by clicking on the session name either on the subject home page or in the navigation menu on the left (visible when looking at a session or trial).
    Add session information
    The session home page shows multiple tabs where you can view and edit session information, such as information from the physical exam or patient history. Please note that the tabs and their contents are different for the gait and the sports medicine workflow. Click on 'Edit' next to the session name to edit session information.

    Moveshelf displays warning messages to prevent data conflicts when multiple users attempt to edit or save the subject or session information simultaneously. These warnings help you take appropriate action before proceeding. More info can be found here.


    Upload data (Vicon directory)
    Within the newly created session you are able to upload a Vicon directory. Make sure your data complies with the data requirements, to ensure proper visualization and automatic categorization into trials and conditions.

    Follow the next steps to upload a Vicon directory on Moveshelf:
    • Upload your folder by navigating in your local storage to your directory and drag and drop one (or more) session folder(s) in the upload area (see number 1 in the image below).
    • Moveshelf will read the directory and show the conditions and trials included in the session folder.
    • A dropdown will appear that allows you to choose whether to include videos with your directory upload (see number 2 in the image below). Select the preferred option.
    • Click 'Upload'. All files will now be uploaded and processed. While uploading you can find a progress bar on top of the page. Please do not close the Moveshelf page or navigate away on the page while the green processing bar is still visible.

    Reorganize trials and reports
    For information about how to reorder reports, conditions and/or trials, navigate to reorganize trials and reports.


    Data requirements
    Vicon folder structure
    The Vicon directory upload works with a Vicon session folder. Commonly this is a direct child of the Subject folder. For the upload to work, this folder should include:
    • xxx.Session.enf file. This file is used to detect a Vicon session
    • xxx.Trial.enf or xxx.Trialxx.enf files. This file is used to detect trials within the Vicon session
    • .GCD files (optional)
    • .avi files (optional)
    • .pdf files (optional)
    The session folder can have subfolders. All files from all subfolders will be included for the directory upload.

    See the Vicon data structure requirements section, Sports medicine data requirements, and Gait data requirements for more details.

    We automatically read the condition from the “trial_name.Trial.enf” file, which is editable easily by editing the Description field in Vicon Nexus. This is also documented under Vicon data structure requirements. Make sure to provide this info for all trials to create a complete pre-defined directory.

    Mark trial context
    GCD files can contain data for both the left and right side of the body. Moveshelf can mark the GCD files' context as 'left', 'right' or 'left + right', based on the name of the files. This context is used to select data from which side of the body is used as input for the sports medicine biomechanical evaluation or gait analysis word report.

    The marking is based on the following scheme:
    • If a GCD file name contains L1/L2/L3/L< .. > or 'left' the trial will be marked as 'left'
    • If a GCD file contains R1/R2/R3/R< .. > or 'right' the trial will be marked as 'right'
    • If this is not true the trial will be marked as 'left + right'

    Trial context marking can be edited also on Moveshelf when viewing a condition summary (or other report).


    Explore a condition

    A condition summary shows you all the trials that were performed for that condition. You can navigate to a condition summary by the following 3 options:
    • Clicking on the condition header at subject home page
    • Clicking on the condition header at session home page
    • Clicking on the condition header in the left sidebar

    Mark trial context
    Moveshelf automatically marks trials as 'left', 'right' or 'left + right' while processing a directory by reading the names of these files in the dataset (see Data requirements). The condition summary allows you to manually mark the trials with the options:
    • left
    • right
    • left + right
    • none
    The edits will be saved automatically and will be used for the biomechanical evaluation / gait analysis report once you run the corresponding processor. After making changes, a refresh icon appears next to the 'Trial Selection' title. Click on the refresh icon to reload the report to apply the changes to the charts and spatiotemporal parameters on Moveshelf.

    Select representative trials

    For the Shriners gait workflow only, a representative trial can be selected for each side. The representative trial is used for the EMG graph in the gait analysis report. There can be only one representative trial per side per condition / session.

    Human movement data visualization

    Next to marking trial context, a condition summary gives you the the opportunity to have a look at the human movement data (and videos) of all trials that are included in a specific condition. Navigate to Trials for more information about the human movement data that is shown and go to interactive graphs when you are interested in the usage of Moveshelf’s interactive graphs to have a better look at the data.


    Sports medicine data requirements

    For a complete report of a biomechanical evaluation at least one trial including 1 GCD file is required for each of the following conditions:
    • Heel Touch
    • Drop Jump
    • Side Step Cut
    • Deceleration
    • Lateral Shuffle
    • Single Leg Hop

    If not all required files are provided, an evaluation and final scores can be produced, but it will be based on an incomplete dataset. In case GCD files for (one of) the expected conditions are not present, marked with a conflicting laterality compared to its content, additional conditions beyond the list below are presented or too many trials within a condition are selected, warnings or errors will be displayed on Moveshelf with a clear description when generating the biomechanical evaluation report. In case of warnings the process will run and sections belonging to the missing/erroneous data in the table in the generated word document will be empty. In case of an error (e.g. no GCD files found) the process will not run.

    An example directory can be found in the Moveshelf <> Shriners SharePoint.


    Run a biomechanical evaluation

    To run the biomechanical evaluation processor it is important that every condition contains trials that are marked correctly, meaning: at least one trial needs to be marked 'right' and one trial marked as 'left'. Note that the trials also need to have data included to succesfully run the biomechanical evaluation. Go to Explore a condition for more information on how to mark trials manually.

    Once you have uploaded and annotated the data on Moveshelf, you are ready to run the Biomechanical Evaluation processor. If the selected data is missing laterality context, more than three trials are selected within a condition or other deviations from Shriners' general workflow, a warning or error will be displayed on Moveshelf together with a description of the reason. The word report will be produced but dependent on the warning cells will remain empty and final scores will be calculated based on limited data. To produce the biomechanical evaluation report please follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to the Session home page, open the 'Processors' tab and select 'Biomechanical evaluation' (see image).
    2. Select the 'Select marked trials' checkbox. This checkbox selects all trials that were marked as 'left', 'right' or 'left + right'.
    3. Click on 'Run'.

    4. Note that running the biomechanical evaluation processor will delete the existing biomechanical evaluation of a session.

    5. When the processing is completed successfully, the tab 'Evaluation' next to 'Dataset' shows the biomechanical evaluation results. As shown in the image below, all values (max 3 per side) of the individual trials are shown in the tables of the individual test results.

      In this tab you also have the option to download this biomechanical evaluation as a Word report. Click on Download report to download the biomechanical evaluation report.

    Keep in mind that the Category results are not shown on Moveshelf, but are visible in the Word report.


    Gait data requirements

    Besides the general data requirements, please note the following additional requirements for the Shriners gait workflow:
    • Gait cycle data:
      • Gait cycle data should contain 51 or 101 samples (a complete cycle from 0-100%).
      • This data includes kinematics, moments, powers, EMG, muscle lengths, and muscle velocities.
    • Data Grouping on Moveshelf:
      • On Moveshelf, data is grouped into the following groups: "Moment” (moments), "Power" (powers), "GRF" (forces), “EMG” (Raw EMG), “Envelope” (Envelope EMG), “Velocity” (Muscle velocity), “Length” (muscle length).
      • These group names should be reflected in your data to ensure proper grouping of graphs.
      • Anything that does not match any of the previously mentioned names will be placed in the group "Kinematics".
    • Spatiotemporal parameters:
      • Variables with the following names can be shown as spatiotemporal parameters on Moveshelf:
        • rightcadence, rightspeed, rightstridelength, rightsteplength, rightsinglesupport, rightdoublesupport, rightfootoff, rightoppositefootoff, rightoppositefootcontact, rightgdi, and rightfdi.
        • For the left side, replace "right" with "left" in the variable names (e.g., leftcadence, leftspeed, etc.).
      • The Report template can be configured to include only a specific subset of these parameters.
    • Gait events:
      • To display gait events in a gait analysis graph, the following foot-off and footcontact times are extracted from the .GCD file:
        • “RightFootOff" & "LeftFootOff" are used for the stance-swing transition lines of the respective legs.
        • "RightOppositeFootOff", "RightOppositeFootContact", "LeftOppositeFootOff" and "LeftOppositeFootContact" are used for the contralateral gait events.
    • EMG:
      • To import high-frequency EMG data from a .GCD file, ensure the variable name includes "Raw" to include all samples. Note that the variable name should not contain the word "Envelope"; otherwise, an envelope will be displayed instead of the high-frequency EMG data.
      • PDF files:
        • All PDF files (e.g. photos or pedobarograph) are automatically added to a condition named "Additional files", and included in the appendix of the gait analysis report. The PDF filename will be used as trial name on Moveshelf and header in the gait analysis report.

        • Note, Variable names are not case sensitive.

          An example directory can be found in the Moveshelf <> Shriners SharePoint.


    Gait data requirements - rotational profile

    To generate a correct rotational profile graph, please ensure to include the following:
    • Kinematic data and reference data:
      • Pelvic Rotation ("pelvicrotation")
      • Hip Rotation ("hiprotation")
      • Knee Rot w/o Tib Torsion ("kneerotation_proximal")
      • Ankle Complex Rotation ("anklecomplexrotation") and Mid Foot Ab/Adduction ("midfootabadduct") or Foot to Tibia Rotation ("footrotation")
      • Foot progression ("footprogression")
    • Opposite foot gait events i.e., OppositeFootOff and OppositeFootContact, for the variables mentioned above.
    • Physical exam data for:
      • Left and Right 'Hip internal rotation ROM'
      • Left and Right 'Transmal axis MrkSetComputed'


    Metadata import

    To import trial, session, subject, and intervention metadata, you can upload a configuration file named "moveshelf_config_import.json". This can be used, for example, when uploading a gait analysis session from before Shriners started using the gait workflow on Moveshelf.

    This file supports the import of:
    • "trialSideSelection": to define whether a trial should be used for left/right/both/none.
    • "trialInvalidData": to indicate whether a data type needs to be ignored for that trial (e.g. kinetics for left).
    • "representativeTrials": to indicate whether a trial should be considered representative in a condition to be used for plotting EMG in the Word export.
    • "conditionDefinition": to define what trials should go in which condition.
    • "subjectMetadata": subject metadata that will be written in the subject info tab.
    • "interventionMetadata": intervention metadata that will be written in the intervention metadata tab.
    • "sessionMetadata": session metadata that will be written in the session metadata tabs. The format for this entry, as well as "subjectMetadata" and "interventionMetadata" is defined by the metadata configuration, which can be found in the Moveshelf <> Shriners shared GitHub for both the Gait and the Sportsmedicine workflow.

    You can upload the configuration file either as part of a directory or separately:
    Please note, that:
    • The moveshelf_config_import.json is meant as an example, and does not contain the complete session metadata list.
    • During the upload process:
      • Warnings are displayed to inform the user which fields will be overwritten and which fields will remain unchanged.
      • If the configuration file contains incorrectly formatted data, error messages will specify why the values are invalid. The upload process cannot proceed until these formatting issues are resolved. Refer to the formatting guide below for details on correct field formats.


    Subject info and session metadata specified in the configuration file will not overwrite existing subject and intervention metadata on Moveshelf. Only empty fields on Moveshelf will be filled with the values from the configuration file.
    Interventions metadata is an exception to this rule, the entire list of interventions will be overwritten.

    Formatting fields in the configuration file
    Below is a guide on how to format the different datafields in the moveshelf_config_import.json file for importing subject and session metadata into Moveshelf. The table outlines the supported syntax for each field type, along with examples to help you format your data correctly.

    Moveshelf Configuration Table
    Variable Type on Moveshelf Format in .json Example in the .json file
    Short text "Text" "subject-first-name"
    Short text
    - with left/right context
      {"value": "Text", "context": "left"},
      {"value": "Text", "context": "right"}
    Long text "Text" "surgery-dictation"
    Dropdown "Dropdown option" "sessioninfo-site"
    - with left/right context
       "value": "Dropdown option",
       "context": "left"
       "value": "Dropdown option",
       "context": "right"
    Multi-select dropdown {
      "value": [
       "Dropdown option1",
       "Dropdown option2"],
      "multiselect": true
    Multi-select dropdown
    - with left/right context
       "value": [
        "Dropdown option1",
        "Dropdown option2"],
       "context": "left",
       "multiselect": true
       "value": [
        "Dropdown option1",
        "Dropdown option2"],
       "context": "right",
       "multiselect": true
    Date "yyyy-mm-dd" "subject-date-of-birth"


    Add intervention information

    To add or edit intervention information, click on the 'Edit' button next to the subject’s name and go to the 'Interventions' tab. A subject can have multiple interventions (click 'Add intervention'), and each intervention can have multiple procedures (click 'Add procedure').


    Reports on Moveshelf

    A report on Moveshelf can be used to analyze multiple trials simultaneously, either to compare different conditions and/or sessions (comparison report), or to analyze consistency within a condition (condition summary). Since Shriners has a standard set of reports that are often required, this set of reports can be created automatically through a more efficient workflow. Please read below how to do this. General information on reports and how to manually create reports (for example for drop jump or running conditions) can be found here.
    Automatically create reports
    1. First you need to go into editing mode of a session. You can reach this page by clicking the session name or the pencil next to a session's name in the left navigation menu or on the subject home page.
    2. Select the trials/conditions you want to include in your report(s) by checking the checkbox next to the trial or condition (see image below).
      • You can select trials/conditions within the same session or different sessions. Click another session below your current one to expand and select those trials.
      • If you select no data, all data from all sessions will be included.
    3. Click on 'Create reports'
    4. Select the 'Automatic' option (see image below).
    5. You can add Reference data to the reports. Note that this will be applied to all reports you're creating in this workflow.
    6. Rename the reports if necessary.
    7. Click 'Add' to create the report(s). The report(s) will be placed within the session from which you initiated the creation of the report(s).

    8. Which reports are created?
      When using the 'Automatic' option to create reports, the following reports will be created:
      • For the current session:
        • A condition summary for each condition.
        • If there is more than one condition: A condition comparison including all different conditions.
      • If there is a 'Barefoot' condition in the current and the previous session: A session comparison for the Barefoot condition. Note, previous sessions labeled as 'Cancelled' or 'No show' will be ignored.


    Gait Word reports

    All subject information, session information, and reports on Moveshelf can be exported into two Word reports:
    • The Physical Therapy Evaluation
    • The Quantitative Report
    Create the Gait Word reports
    To create the Gait Word reports:
    1. Make sure you have created one or multiple report(s) on Moveshelf, as these are used as input for the Gait Word reports.
    2. Navigate to the Session home page and make sure you're on the Dataset tab.
    3. Open the 'Processors' sidepanel and select 'Create Gait Word Report' (see image).
    4. Click 'Run'. The button will change to 'Requesting' with a spinning wheel. Please do not close the Moveshelf page or navigate away on the page until the Word reports appear (and 'Requesting' changes back to 'Run'). Once the reports are visible, you may leave the page, even if the reports are still processing.
    Please be aware that creating the Gait Word reports may take a few minutes.

    Note that EMG charts can be excluded from the Quantitative report by deselecting all 'EMG' options under "Data collected" in the "Session info" tab.

    Gait Word reports input validation
    If specific physical exam values are not formatted correctly, both Gait Word reports cannot be generated. A red error triangle will appear next to the reports in the "Gait Word reports" section (see image below). By clicking on the triangle, an error message detailing which value(s) are incorrectly formatted will be displayed. Once the formatting is corrected, you can retry generating the reports.

    If values or reference data related to the rotational profile are missing, an orange warning message will appear for the Quantitative Report. In this case, both Word reports will still be created, but the rotational profile will be excluded. By clicking on the triangle, a message detailing which value(s) are missing will be displayed. After adding the missing data, you can regenerate the reports to include the rotational profile.

    Download the Gait Word reports
    You can download the Gait Word reports by clicking on the name, either on the subject homepage, session homepage, or navigation sidepanel.

    Update the table of contents in Word
    The first page of the Quantitative Report contains an empty field for a table of contents. After you have done your preferred edits in the Word document, you can update the table of contents by following these steps:
    1. Right click on the table of contents field
    2. Select 'Update Field'
    3. Select 'Update entire table'
    4. Click 'OK'