Sanne Höweler, Rehabilitation physician
With Moveshelf I can access all clinical movement analysis results including videos while working from home. This was never possible before. It’s a huge step forward for our gait expertise centre.

Dr. Juha Hijmans, Associate Professor
Just as an X-ray image is available within our Electronic Health Record system, it should be standard that gait data can be visualized for clinicians, regardless of where and how the data is recorded.

Remco Hoogendijk, Innovation Manager
Our work with Moveshelf is our most exciting project right now - our orthopaedic surgeons get objective gait measures directly in our EHR.

Rachel Senden, Ph.D, Clinical Operator CAREN
Analysing and discussing our clinical gait analyses became much richer and more efficient using Moveshelf’s online all-in one reporting tool