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  • Create a new project
  • Add members to a project
  • Delete members of a project
  • Delete projects
  • Project access settings
  • Add subject/session
  • Moveshelf data structure
  • Add subject
  • Add session
  • Add subject/session information
  • Add subject information
  • Add session information
  • Concurrent edit warnings
  • Import subject information via EHR
  • Add data
    Supported data types
  • Supported data types
  • C3D - RMS from raw EMG
  • MOX format
  • Reference data in Excel format
  • Contemplas videos upload
  • Upload data
  • Directory upload
  • Vicon directory upload
  • Noraxon directory upload
  • MOX directory upload
  • Theia directory upload
  • TEMPLO directory upload
  • Historical data import
  • Import from ArQive
  • Reports
  • Create report
  • Edit report
  • Delete report
  • Reference data
  • Features
  • Report template
  • Additional report templates
  • Split screen layout shortcuts
  • Reorganize trials and reports
  • Add context force plates
  • Anonymize videos
  • EHR Integration
  • knowledgebase home

    This page provides information on all editable elements within the Moveshelf application, assuming you have the necessary editing rights. Here, you can find instructions on creating and managing Projects and Subjects, Uploading data, creating and editing Reports, and more advanced Settings. For instructions on viewing and analyzing subjects, sessions, reports, and trials, please refer to the View Moveshelf page.

    Create a new project
    You can add new projects to your
    DashboardThe dashboard holds an overview of all projects of which you are a member.
    . A project is a space where all your subjects and their data are stored, and where you collaborate with your team (project
    membersA member is a user who has been granted access to a project. A member can have different roles; Admin, Editor or Viewer.
    ). Every single project has its own private and separate space. This means that data is only accessible for people that are a member of this project. Separate projects have the advantage that you can work with different teams and create stand-alone databases dedicated to a study or department (optional).

    • Click on ‘Create new project’ to add a new project to your Moveshelf dashboard.
    • Insert a project name and click on ‘Create’. You are automatically an
      adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
      in the projects that you create.

    Only users with the rights to create projects can see this button. In case you do not see the button, but you would like to create a project, contact Moveshelf support.


    Add members to a project
    projectA project is a space where subjects and their data are stored, and where you can collaborate with the members of that project.
    can have multiple members, as a way to give access to its contents to a selected group of people. Only project
    adminsAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
    can add members to their project(s). Members can be given different roles (
    viewerA viewer is a member that only has the right to view data (e.g., clinicians).
    editorAn editor is a member that has the rights to edit and view data (e.g., lab operators).
    adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
    ) which have different rights on Moveshelf, see table below. Adding a member to a project can prompt the creation of a new account on Moveshelf if this person did not yet have an account. The workflow and automatically generated notifications are dependent on whether the user already had an account on Moveshelf and whether your organization has Single Sign On (SSO) or manual login enabled. Please read the paragraphs below for specific information on this and recommended workflow.

      Admin   Editor   Viewer  
    Add members X    
    Delete members X    
    Delete projects X    
    Edit data X X  
    View data X X X

    General steps to add a member to a project
    • Click on the plus sign in the project overview page to add a member to your project.
    • Insert a business email address or Moveshelf username, select a role, and click on ‘Add’.
    • The invited member is listed on the project overview as (pending) when they have not yet activated their account.
    • Some additional actions might be required to arrange access to Moveshelf for a new account of the invited user. Please read below.
    • Adding a member does not send a notification to the invited email address about being added to the project. If preferred, please send an email to the new member with a link to the project.

    Email invites are only possible for specific configured email domains for each organization.

    Inviting a new user that prompts the creation of a new account on Moveshelf can only be done by the Moveshelf super user of your organization. Typically, this is a lab operator whose account is designated as the owner of the organization on Moveshelf.

    Adding a new Moveshelf user when you have SSO enabled

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    When you have SSO enabled, and you would like to add a new user to a project, please go through the following steps:
    • Add the member according to the steps described above.
    • As your organization has SSO enabled, you also need to make sure the user has Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) access to Moveshelf.
    • Now, the user will have access to Moveshelf and the project you invited them for. If preferred, you can notify the user by email and provide the project url, or the user can start working with Moveshelf by entering the platform through the hospital's electronic patient file in case of an EHR integration.
    Adding a new Moveshelf user when you have manual login (no SSO)
    • Add the member according to the steps on top of this section.
    • The invited user will receive an automated email with instructions and an url to activate his account. Please send the invited user an email to notify them of the invitation and to request to look for the email, also in the spam folder. If the email cannot be found (e.g. blocked by the organization's firewall), please contact Moveshelf support for help.

    By setting the project as a global project, you can grant all members of your Moveshelf organization (
    viewerA viewer is a member that only has the right to view data (e.g., clinicians).
    -only) access to your project without having to add each of them as a member within the project.


    Delete members of a project
    Members can only be deleted by an
    adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.

    To delete a member in a project:
    • Go to the project overview page and click on the plus sign as if you would add a member to your project.
    • Click on the recycle bin next to the member to delete the member from the project.


    Delete projects
    Projects can only be deleted by the project’s
    adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.

    • Go to the project overview page and click on ‘Edit’.
    • Click on the recycle bin to remove this project from your dashboard.
    • Type the name of the project to confirm the deletion of your project.

    Note that if you delete this project, all data of this project will be deleted. Please contact Moveshelf support if you have accidentally deleted a project.


    Project access settings
    By default, projects can only be accessed by project members (see Add members to a project). However, a project can also be set as a "global project", which means that all members of your Moveshelf organization will have
    viewerA viewer is a member that only has the right to view data (e.g., clinicians).
    access to that global project (excluding guests and external users).
    EditorAn editor is a member that has the rights to edit and view data (e.g., lab operators).
    adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
    access will still need to be given manually.

    Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like to change the access setting of your project.


    Add subject information

    You can fill a default or customized set of subject information parameters on Moveshelf. To add/edit this information, go to the subject home page and click on the ‘Edit’-button next to the subject’s name at the top of the page. You can add/edit subject information on Moveshelf by using manual input (described below) or import subject information via EHR.

    Manual input
      Fill in the form manually and click on ‘Save’. You can also modify the Subject ID (the name that appears in the subject list on Moveshelf).
      Note: some fields can have a value for every date. This can be helpful, for example, when specifying a body weight to use for normalizing moments and powers in trials from a specific date.

      When entering the EHR ID for a subject, ensure it is unique within the project. When you enter an EHR ID that already exists, an error message will be displayed, and the subject information will not be updated.

      Customize your subject information panel
      Upon request, fields for (additional) parameters can be added, modified, and/or customized.
      1. Download the Excel subject information template here: Moveshelf Excel subject information template.
      2. Customize the Excel template to include only the parameters you require and delete unnecessary fields.
      3. Send the customized Excel template to Moveshelf support for review and implementation.
      4. When the provided input is reviewed and accepted by Moveshelf, it will be implemented exactly as specified. This includes the order of dropdown options, possible spelling errors, and capitalization.


    Add session information Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    If this feature is enabled for your organization, you can add and view additional session information, like patient history, outcomes of a physical exam, recommendations or more (see image below).

    Add specific session information by navigating to the session home page (click on the session name on the subject home page or in the navigation menu on the left) and click on ‘Edit’ next to the session name. In this edit mode, you can also change the name and date of the session. Make sure to save your changes when you’re done.


    Concurrent edit warnings

    Moveshelf displays warning messages to prevent data conflicts when multiple users attempt to edit or save the subject or session information simultaneously. These warnings help you take appropriate action before proceeding.

    Warning when another user is editing

    If you enter Edit mode while another user is already editing the same subject or session information, a warning message will appear. This message will include the other user’s username and the time they started editing. This helps you coordinate changes and avoid potential data loss.

    Warning when saving changes

    If you attempt to save while another user has already made and saved changes, you will receive a conflict warning. You will have two options:

    • Save anyway - Select "I'm aware that this operation will override the other user's changes." and click "Save anyway".
      This will overwrite the other user's changes and makes your changes the most recent version.
    • Cancel - Keeps the other user’s changes intact and returns you to Edit mode.

    Note: if, while you are editing subject or session information on Moveshelf, another user uploads data to that subject or session information, you will also receive the warning above.


    Import subject information via EHR

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    Import subject information through the connection between Moveshelf and your EHR:

    1. Search for the subject using EHR ID (see highlighted in the image below).
    2. Click on the copy icon that appears with the results, to copy the information to Moveshelf.
    3. Click on ‘Save’ to save the subject information.


    Moveshelf data structure

    Delete projects
    This section explains the basic data structure of Moveshelf. This structure can be created manually or automatically. Automation of data categorization is discussed in the section on Directory upload, based on Moveshelf's third party integrations.

    Moveshelf has a subject-oriented data structure. The data of a subject is divided into
    sessionsA session is an overview of all recorded measurements done in one ‘visit’ of a subject. It can include multiple conditions and trials.
    , which then can be divided into
    conditionsA condition is a state in which a subject has been recorded, e.g., barefoot, or with shoes. It can include multiple trials.
    to categorize trials. Your data is ultimately stored in
    trialsA trial contains all data that was captured of a subject during one recording. It can include multiple data types that have been recorded synchronously, e.g. C3D, video, forces and EMG.
    , with one trial per recording. A trial can contain several data types that were recorded synchronously.


    Add subject

    Moveshelf’s workflow is subject-oriented. All data uploaded to Moveshelf belongs to a subject, structured by visits (called: sessions). Populate a project manually by creating subjects:

    • Click on 'Add new subject’ to create a new subject.
    • Insert a subject ID (e.g. patient number, study participient ID or other ID) and click on ‘Add’.

    If your organization has a deep IT integration it is possible that this process is automated and does not require you to manually create subjects.


    Add session
    • Click on ‘Add new session’ to add a new measurement session.
    • Select a session date, update the default session name if preferred and click on ‘Add’. The default session name is the selected date, but you can update this by adding text or removing the date from the session name completely (e.g., "3month post-op”).

    If multiple sessions are added to one subject, the sessions will be ordered by the session date.


    Supported data types
    Moveshelf is an application where a wide variety of data types (and corresponding data formats) are supported, for secure storage as well as for visualization. This way, movement analysis measurements and interpretations come together in one place independent of which technology was used or even which lab was visited by your subject.

    In this section we take the opportunity to list the currently supported data types and formats. If you work with a data type or format that is not in this list, feel free to contact Moveshelf Moveshelf support and inquire about the possibilities.
    Data types
    On Moveshelf different data types are supported. Data types can include several key parts of your data, so an explanation of which data we read from each type is also mentioned where helpful.
    • 3D movement analysis data
      • This can include 3D, kinematics, kinetics, EMG and gait parameters.
      • Supported formats are .c3d, .mox, .xlsx, .adc and .mvnx.
    • Videos
      • This can include videos taken by smart phones, normal video cameras or synchronized cameras as part of an integrated setup. See below the list of system and manufacturers we work with.
      • Supported formats are .avi, .mp4, .mov and .mkv
    • Documents & pictures
      • This can include results of a physical examination, any type of report or other free text and pictures stored as a document.
      • Supported format is PDF

    Some of the supported data formats mentioned above can be implemented with considerable variations by different vendors. Although we take care to support a broad variation of formats, some files may not work out-of-the-box or may be visualized incorrectly when uploaded. Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like us to look into such a file.


    C3D - RMS from raw EMG
    From a C3D file, Moveshelf calculates the EMG Root Mean Square (EMG RMS) from the raw EMG channel, visualized in Moveshelf's individual EMG graphs and the EMG consistency graphs. This calculation is performed during the processing phase after the initial upload of the trial is completed (see 'Upload status' in the section above).

    Moveshelf calculates the EMG RMS as a moving RMS with a time window of 25ms. Specifically, we apply a method that calculates the RMS value as:

    General RMS equation. For calculating EMG RMS, the 'n' stands for the window_size, which on Moveshelf is the
    amount of samples in the 25ms time window, and 'x' is the value of the raw EMG value for each sample.

    Visit section Interactive graphs and Split screen on the possibilities for visualizing EMG.


    MOX format
    MOX files are XML files. There can be differences between MOX formats, dependent on which system was used to generate them and other possible postprocessing manipulations. Moveshelf’s current support targets mox formats which can be visualized by Motek’s Gait Offline Analysis Tool (GOAT) or VU Medical Center Amsterdam’s MoXie Viewer.

    MOX files can include movement data like EMG, kinematics, kinetics, data from force plates and information on synchronization. This data can be visualized and played synchronously on Moveshelf.

    For the MOX format, Moveshelf supports the visualization of a ground reaction force vector overlay. This functionality is based on the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) matrix provided in the MOX file. The location of the force plate and relative mapping to the camera’s is read from the file, together with the magnitude of the force vector. Next, the vector is scaled and projected on top of the video(s) of the trial to produce the force overlay.

    Other data formats are currently required to produce a force vector overlay in their native software and export the video to include the overlay. Moveshelf will visualize the video accordingly.


    Reference data in Excel format
    On Moveshelf it is possible to host your own reference data and add this in your reports. For how to add an existing reference on Moveshelf to a report, please see the section Reference data.

    Moveshelf supports reference data in a specific format, through an Excel template. Download the template below and add your own reference data in the document. You can repeat this process for multiple versions of reference data, e.g. separate files for age and/or gender. Contact Moveshelf support when your Excel reference data is ready, so we can place this in your project.

    Download the Reference Excel template here: Moveshelf Reference data Excel template.

    When creating the Excel, please pay attention to the following points:
    • Variables in the Excel template are meant as an example, you can add / remove worksheets or spatiotemporal gait parameters according to your workflow.
    • Tabnames combine the data group (e.g. "Rotation" means it belongs to the kinematics group) and variable name (e.g. "HipFlex"). Adjust the variable name in tabnames if necessary, to match it with the variable names in your data.
    • Check if all units are set correctly (both in the tab "Unit" and "gait params").
    • All headers (e.g., 'mean' and 'std') need to be exactly as written in the Excel file. Please pay attention to capital letters and spaces.


    Contemplas videos upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    Moveshelf can automatically read in files that are captured and exported using the synchronized video system of Contemplas. This workflow is currently only supported through integration with third party archiving system ArQive (section Moveshelf + Arqive).

    What to store into ArQive for upload to Moveshelf
    A .zbox file. This is an export option of the Templo software. It is relatively similar to a zip file and contains videos and files with information on data structure inside. For Moveshelf to read and automatically categorize the trials correctly, this .zbox file should include:
    • one .box file. The information (text) in this file specifies which other data in the .zbox.
    • .recording files, one for each trial. This file specifies which videos belongs to one trial.
    • .avi files. These videos (commonly) come in sets of multiple synchronized cameras.


    Upload data
      This section provides information on how to manually upload data to Moveshelf, checking the upload status, editing uploaded files, and modifying trial names.
      Manual data upload
      When uploading data manually, you first need to create a session. Within this session, you can add conditions and trials. See the image below for a visualization of all steps.

      Add condition
      • Click on ‘Add condition’ to add a new condition to this session.
      • Insert a condition name (e.g., barefoot, intervention or clinical test) and click on ‘Add’.

      Add trials
      • The first trial is automatically shown when you have added a condition. In one trial you can upload different types of data that belong to one, synchronized capture (e.g., c3d and video). Different captures should be uploaded as separate trials.
      • Click on ‘+ Add trial’ to add more trials within one condition.

      Upload data to a trial
    • Upload data to a trial by dragging and dropping it from your file explorer or click and upload. The files will show up underneath the trial in ‘Available data’. Please do not close the Moveshelf page or navigate away on the page while the green bar is still visible.
    • After processing is done, Moveshelf will show what kind of data is uploaded in the trial, using different icons (e.g., graphs, video). Now your trial is available for viewing and editing.

    Upload status
      Moveshelf shows the status of the uploading files when you expand the header Data of a trial in the Edit session interfase. Please see all possible statusses in the list below, where the numbers correspond to the numbers in the image at the bottom of the article.

      1. Uploading: while uploading you will see a green bar next to each file. Please do not close the Moveshelf page or navigate away on the page while the green bar is still visible.
      2. Processing: once uploading is complete, an orange bar will appear to indicate the processing of the data. It is safe to navigate again to other pages as this process is performed in the backend and will not be disturbed by navigating away from the page.
      3. Uploaded: the file is uploaded and processed completely, the bar is not shown anymore. A graph and/or video icon for each trial are shown to indicate respectively movement analysis data and video data are included.
      4. Uploading warning: since this file was uploaded, the data processor of moveshelf has been updated. If you notice any unexpected visualizations of your data in a trial or report, please try to re-upload the trial. When in doubt or if you don't have the original data anymore, please contact Moveshelf support and we can help you to solve this warning.
      5. Uploading failed: there are one or more upload errors with this item, possibily due to an unexpected structure in your data file. Please contact Moveshelf support for help.

    Edit uploaded files
    After a successful upload on Moveshelf, you will be able to manually edit files within your trials:
    1. You can replace an existing .C3D file for an updated .C3D file. To replace, drag the updated file with the exact same name in the trial upload box (see image below, 1). The file will be reprocessed automatically. To see the updated trial, please refresh the page.
    2. You have the option to delete a file from a trial by clicking on the recycle bin.
    3. You are able to download additional files from a trial. This can be done by clicking on the download button next to the recycle bin (see image, 2)

    Edit trial name
      If you are on the trial page, you can change the trial name by clicking on ‘Edit’ on the right side next to the trial name.


    Directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a directory. General information about how to upload a directory can be found in this secion. Please refer to the following sections for specific data requirements for: Vicon, Noraxon, MOX, Theia or TEMPLO directory upload. Feel free to contact Moveshelf support if the third party integration that you are looking for is not in this list.
    How to upload a directory
    • Open your subject on Moveshelf either by clicking a URL in your EHR or manually navigate to your project on Moveshelf and select or create a new subject.
    • Create a new session.
    • If your organization has directory uploads enabled from other vendors as well, select the type of directory you'd like to upload through the drop down menu on top.
    • Upload the directory by navigating in your local storage (e.g., Windows explorer) to the correct folder and drag and drop the folder in the upload area.
    • Moveshelf will read the directory and show you the structure that your data will be uploaded in. The order of conditions is based on the creation date and time of the earliest trial in the condition.
    • Click 'Upload'. All files will now be uploaded and processed, during which you will see a progress bar on top of page.

    Please do not leave the page while uploading (initial green upload bar is active). Once uploading is complete, the progress bar will turn orange to indicate the processing of the data. It is safe to navigate again to other pages as this process is performed in the backend and will not be disturbed by navigating away from the page.


    Vicon directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a Vicon directory. For general information about how to upload a directory see the section directory upload.
    A Vicon session folder. Commonly this is a direct child of the Subject folder. For the upload to work, this folder should include:
    • xxx.Session.enf file. This file is used to detect a Vicon session
    • xxx.Trial.enf or xxx.Trialxx.enf files. This file is used to detect trials within the Vicon session
    • .C3D files (optional)
    • .avi files (optional)
    • .PDF files (optional, see note below for specifications)
    • .mp4 files (optional, see note below for specifications)

      • An additional filter can be added to your Vicon directory upload settings to include alternative file types like PDF (or pictures or tables) and .mp4 video (standalone video or foot pressure recordings) in your Vicon directory upload. These files will be automatically put into separate trials. These alternative file types can be uploaded automatically as a child folder within the Vicon session or present it as a separate folder after your Vicon session is done uploading.

        Vicon Nexus 2.13 and higher exports videos with a new transcoder (H264). We recommend using this version of Nexus for shorter upload (processing) times on Moveshelf.

        Vicon data structure requirements
        For automatic categorization of your Vicon directory upload to work out of the box there is a default data structure that Moveshelf has implemented already (see images and description below). Also without this data structure you can upload any Vicon session folder successfully on Moveshelf, but your trials will not be automatically categorized into conditions. Please see Image 1.

        1. Automatically categorize trials into conditions
          Fill in the Description field in Vicon Nexus with the name of your condition. Moveshelf will read this and categorize your trials into these conditions (Image 1, in red).
        2. Automatically add a description to a trial
          Populate the Notes field in Vicon Nexus to fill the Moveshelf description field.
        3. Automatically show information on the content of a trial
          Show the content of a trial (laterality/plane) next to the trial name in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen (Image 1, in blue), by creating custom colums named 'Side' and 'Plane' in Vicon Nexus. Populate these columns with 'li' (links) or 're' (rechts) to indicate the side, and 'fro' (frontal) or 'dor' (dorsal) for the plane. If the column Plane is empty, Moveshelf will assume the plane is sagittal. See an example of this in the Nexus screenshot below, and the result of it in the navigation menu on the left side of the image, where the trial name Trial-1 is followed by '(fro li)'. Please see Image 2 for the steps how to create the correct columns in Nexus.
        4. Only show valid force data on Moveshelf
          • In Vicon Nexus there are standard columns for force plates (in this example: FP1 = force plate 1 and FP2 = force plate 2, however more force plates are supported). For every trial, enter the information for a good hit on a force plate by 'Left' or 'Right', or input 'invalid' in the column (indicated in yellow in Image 1). This will generate clean and recognizable patterns in case of a gait cycle analysis (Image 3). If all force plates have invalid data, no force plate graphs are shown.
          • Alternatively, to reach the above described effect you can edit the force plate context on Moveshelf, without having to adjust the C3D again in Nexus. For more information navigate to Add context force plates.
        5. Add spatiotemporal parameters to a trial
          To be able to see spatiotemporal parameters in a trial on Moveshelf, you first have to add these to the c3d file of the trial. This can be done by adding the 'Calculate Gait Cycle Parameters' operation to your data processing pipeline in Nexus. This operation calculates the parameters in the first complete gait cycle for each side in each trial, also if multiple gait cycles are defined in a trial (see Vicon Nexus Documentation). Seeing as this is single-cycle data and not an average, only one value will be shown for each parameter on Moveshelf in trial view.
        6. Normalize data to body weight or mass
          It is possible to visualize ground reaction force normalized to body weight (%BW) or body mass (N/kg). A data structure requirement for this optional report template setting is that the C3D file has to contain body mass information. The moments and powers are provided by default in the C3D as respectively Nm/kg and W/kg, and visualized on Moveshelf as such without the need of body mass information separately in the C3D.

        7. Alternatively, if the C3D did not contain the required information, you can manually add a bodyweight for the subject using add subject information. The date of the body weight should match the exact date of the session, or a warning icon will be shown for the concerning graphs.

        Image 1: Automatic categorization and trial content settings in Nexus and the result on Moveshelf.

        Image 2: Steps to create additional columns 'Plane' and 'Side' for displaying additional information in the trial name, visible from the left panel navigation menu on Moveshelf.

        Image 3: with Left/Right/Invalid information entered in Vicon Nexus, only valid force plate data is shown on Moveshelf.


    Noraxon directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a Noraxon directory. For general information about how to upload a directory see the section directory upload.

    To successfully upload a Noraxon directory to Moveshelf, you need to perform a two-step export from Noraxon software. Note to export the results in a self-created destination folder so Moveshelf can read all exported results at once. This parent folder should contain:
    • A folder that includes the native Noraxon session export data (e.g. Noraxon MR3 data including videos and metadata).
    • A folder that includes .c3d files of the Noraxon c3d export of the same session.


    MOX directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a MOX directory. For general information about how to upload a directory see the section directory upload.

      The MOX directory upload currently supports MOX files for the Gait Offline Analysis Tool (GOAT) and MoXie Viewer (see Supported data types). You can upload a full session folder with one or more subfolders that each represent a condition (e.g. barefoot), or a folder without any subfolders. For the upload to work, the (sub)folder should contain:
    • MOX files
    • .avi files (optional)


    Theia directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a Theia directory. For general information about how to upload a directory see the section directory upload.

    To successfully upload a Theia directory to Moveshelf, kinematic data needs to be exported into .C3D files. You can upload a full session folder with one or more subfolders that each represent a condition (e.g. barefoot), or a folder without any subfolders. For the Theia directory upload to work, the (sub)folder should contain:
    • xxx_TheiaKinematics.C3D files
    • .avi files (optional)
    • xxx.settings.xml (optional. Required for the use of Video Overlay).


    TEMPLO directory upload Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    On Moveshelf you can automate the process of grouping multiple files into trials, by uploading a TEMPLO directory. For general information about how to upload a directory see the section directory upload.
    To successfully upload a TEMPLO directory to Moveshelf, export all trials from one session using the Box file export option in the TEMPLO software. For the TEMPLO directory upload to work, the folder structure should be as follows:
    • Main folder:
      • One .box file
    • Subfolder:
      • One .adc file per trial
      • .avi files (optional)
      • One .recording file per trial (optional). Used to include gait events.

    TEMPLO data structure requirements
    By following these steps in TEMPLO, the data export will be enriched with the information that Moveshelf can use to read, organize and visualize Treant’s data.
    • For gait analysis set the type of analysis in TEMPLO to “Gait analysis”.
    • To automatically categorize trials into conditions on Moveshelf, include the condition in the recording label.
    • For each trial, provide the timing of gait events (initial contact and foot-off). This additional information enables Moveshelf to normalize graphs to gait cycles. If gait event timings are not included, the graphs will default to a regular time scale for visualization.


    Historical data import Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    It is common that movement laboratories have built up a large database with movement data over the years. On Moveshelf it is possible to store and organize this historical data, so that it can be used in current clinical decision making processes. To get all the historical data on Moveshelf a customized import can be set up as part of a Moveshelf implementation project. How the import is done is dependent on the data structure and type, and whether there is an integration with a third party archiving system, e.g. based on the Moveshelf + ArQive integration.

    This section focuses on historical data import based mainly on Vicon data (Polygon reports) and an integration with ArQive where data is originally stored.
    Data structure
    • A patient is represented on ArQive by one folder, named by the EHR ID
    • Vicon Polygon reports
      • Every polygon report is one folder, with a standard naming convention of “Report < date > < free text >“. The < date > and < free text > in the folder name are recognized and used to create and name a new session on Moveshelf.
      • A patient can have multiple Vicon Polygon reports (folders).
      • All data within a Vicon Polygon report folder will be organized within one session on Moveshelf.
      • Within the folder(s), a C3D file and/or video's with a uniform prefix in the file name will be uploaded as one trial.
      • PDF files and MP4 videos are accepted and uploaded as a separate trial each.
      • Data not within a Vicon Polygon report folder with the standard naming convention will be grouped together into one session with the standard name “Misc historical data“ (see image below). This can either be data in a folder that does not follow the Vicon Polygon report standard naming convention or data that is stored as a direct child of the patient folder.

    Accepted data formats
    • C3D
    • Video files (.avi, .MP4 and .mov)
    • PDF

    The current implementation of the historical data import workflow does not use the Vicon native .ENF file, as analysis of the data structure for the example implementation in this section frequently did not contain this file. This is contrary to the workflow we describe in our Vicon Directory upload, where the .ENF is used for advanced automatic organization and categorization based on a more singular, predictable and structured session upload.

    Import and download historical data
    When historical data of a subject is present in ArQive, a new subject is automatically created on Moveshelf with the EHR ID as patient ID or the data will be connected to an excisiting patient with the same patient ID. If you would like to view the historical data on Moveshelf you can import this data, following the next steps:
    • Click on 'Show available external sessions' to see which imports are available.
    • Select your historical data import and click on 'Import'.
    • If you would like to download the data as well click on 'Download' and a .zip file will be created.

    The maximum import size of a historical data folder is 5GB. If the size of this folder is bigger than 5GB, we advise you to manually upload the data on Moveshelf.


    Import from ArQive Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    There is an automatic workflow created for customers who are working with the archiving system ArQive and the Moveshelf application. Just below, you see an example of how this integration is implemented. The only manual step in this workflow is to add the captured data to ArQive. Subjects, sessions, conditions and trials are automatically populated from the (meta)data in ArQive and the uploaded files.
    Folder directories (e.g. Vicon directory, Templo or GRAIL) can be recognized by Moveshelf and automatically adds a predefined label (e.g. '3D gait lab', '2D video lab' or 'GRAIL') to the session name to reflect the source.


    Create report

    A report can be used to analyze multiple trials simultaneously, either to compare different conditions and/or sessions, or to analyze consistency within a condition. In a report numeric data is combined and overlaid in graphs and video’s from different trials can be played back (in a synchronized manner if your data contains the required information) and viewed right next to each other (see section Split screen). Reference data can also be added into a report, to match your trial(s) with healthy age-matched peers or others (see section Reference data).

    How to create a report
    To create a report follow the steps below:
    1. First you need to go into editing mode of a session. You can reach this page by clicking the session name or the pencil next to a session's name in the left navigation menu or on the subject home page.
    2. Select the trials/conditions you want to include in your report(s) by checking the checkbox next to the trial or condition (see image below) and click on ‘Create reports’.
      • You can select trials/conditions within the same session or different sessions. Click another session below your current one to expand and select those trials.
    3. Select the report type (Condition summary or Comparison). See below for more information on the different report types.
    4. You can change the report template and add Reference data to the reports. Note that this will be applied to all reports you're creating in this workflow.
    5. Rename the reports if necessary.
    6. Click 'Add' to create the report. The report will be placed within the session from which you initiated the creation of the report.

    Condition summary
    A condition summary is best suited for consistency and/or variability analysis. By selecting multiple conditions, you are able to create multiple condition summaries at the same time. You'll have the possibility to either create a report for each selected condition (select 'multiple', see the bottom right image below), or create one report with all selected trials from different conditions (select 'single', see the bottom middle image below).

    A comparison is best suited for analyzing differences between conditions and/or sessions. When creating a comparison report, all trials are included in one report, grouped per condition and session (see image below).

    There is a maximum amount of characters allowed for the name of a report. If the name is too long, you are notified by an error message stating this information.

    Adding reference data and other adjustments can also be done by going into editing mode within your report (open your report and click the 'Edit' button, see section Edit report).


    Edit report

    Find your report within the session in the navigation menu, the subject home page, or the session home page, and click on ‘Edit’ to go into editing mode of your report (see image below). You will be able to enrich or make changes in the visualization of your report. Make sure to click ‘Save’ after changing anything in your report.

    Any of these edits will only affect your current report. If you'd like to change your default report layout, please contact Moveshelf support.
    Edit report name

    On top in the editing mode you can change the name of your report. Please note that the report name has a limited amount of characters you can use. If the name is too long, you are notified by an error message stating this information.

    Edit reference data

    Use the dropdown under the header ‘References’ to add or change reference data in your report (see Reference data for more information).

    Change report type

    Change the way your data is represented by switching between a ‘Comparison’ and a ‘Condition Summary’. More information about the difference between these two types is given in the section above, Create report.

    Change report template

    Your project can have a configuration that defines your default report visualization, including which graphs are shown and hidden. When you have different workflows in which you require the visualization of different subsets of data, this is where you can switch between your predefined additional report templates. More information about report templates can be found in section Additional report template.

    Customize your current template

    At the bottom of the edit options there is a possibility to (de)select spatiotemporal parameters and graphs to create a concise overview of a report to show to a clinician.

    Add notes

    Under the header ‘Notes’ there is a text field where you can leave notes in your report.


    Delete report
    Reports can be deleted on the session home page. To access the session home page, click on the session name either on the subject home page or in the navigation menu on the left. On the session home page, you will see an overview of all uploaded sessions and created reports. To delete a report(s):
    1. Select the report(s) you want to delete.
    2. Click on the recycle bin icon to delete the selected report(s).


    Reference data

    Reference data is based on (a selection of) your own data. It is possible to have multiple reference datasets in one project, like age grouped or matched by movement disorder. Reference data can be added to the report when creating it (for more information see Create report). Also after creating a report, you can add or change the reference data by using Edit report.

    EMG reference data
    There are two ways to visualize EMG reference data on Moveshelf:
    1. Add your own EMG reference dataset to your Excel file to overlay the data in the EMG graphs on Moveshelf, just like we do for kinematics/kinetic graphs (see image below). This way you will be able to adjust or create multiple versions of your reference dataset.

    2. Use Moveshelf's default EMG reference dataset, displaying normal timing of EMG activation at the bottom of the EMG graphs (see image below). Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like to have this reference dataset enabled in your project configuration.


    Report template
    Many visualizations on Moveshelf can be customized according to your preferences. This is done by specifying preferences for which data channels need to be visualized or hidden, X and Y axis settings, enabling features related to graphs and more. These settings are applied by Moveshelf's customer team to your project(s). Once set, this report template determines what is shown and how, on your trial and/or report view. To read more about the outcome and working of these settings, please see section Interactive graphs.

    Please contact Moveshelf support to help you with setting your preferences in your project configuration.

    Setting Applicable to Explanation
    Naming All graphs Graph names and Y axis labels (e.g. Flexion / Extension).
    Color All graphs Color for left, right, neutral, and reference; applicable to all graphs, timebar events and 3D player.
    Defined Y-axis limits All graphs Fixed Y axis limits can be specified for each graph. When viewing the data on Moveshelf you can then easily switch between fixed limits or automatically-adjusted limits that perfectly fits the data.
    Show stance-to-swing transition line All cycle-based graphs If this setting in enabled, and the gait event 'Foot Off' is detected for all gait cycles in a C3D file, a vertical line is drawn in every cycle-based graph at the transition of stance to swing phase for each detected gait cycle.
    Additional, configurable group of graphs All graphs This feature allows you to group any graph together and create a new and customized data header with this content. For example, this feature can create a 'Sagittal overview' with sagittal kinematics, moments and powers for the hip, knee and ankle joints. This new data header shows up on top of the other data, above the data header of e.g. "Kinematics" and can also be selected to open in split screen.
    Subset of parameters Spatiotemporal parameters Only show a certain subset of spatiotemporal parameters as default template in reports.
    Subset of graphs All graphs Only show a certain subset of graphs as default template in trials and/or reports. For example, this can be of used for hiding a grounding channel for EMG or channels that only contain zeros as a result of restricted degrees of freedom for a joint in its biomechanical model.
    Additional report template(s) All graphs With additional report templates you are able to upload divergent versions of your usual data format specifications or apply alternative predefined subsets of graphs to visualize in you report. More information can be found here: Additional report templates.
    Force normalization Forces Force plate data can be visualized in absolute values (N), normalized to body weight (%BW) or normalized to body mass (N/kg). These options are only possible if the body mass is correctly provided, see section Vicon directory upload.
    X-axis normalization EMG / Forces EMG and force plate data can either be plotted against a time scale (image 1 and image 2) or normalized to gait cycle (image 3).
    Left / right separation EMG / Forces To make the data more organized, EMG and force plate data can be plotted in separate graphs for the left and right leg (image 1 and image 3).
    Organize EMG graphs per muscle EMG This setting organizes EMG graphs by grouping left and right side graphs for each muscle.
    Raw / RMS EMG EMG Option to show only raw and/or RMS. By default both are shown and can also be disabled temporarily by clicking in the graph's legend.
    EMG consistency EMG EMG graphs are shown by default as individual graphs. With an additional setting you can get an EMG graph type which overlays all EMG channels of one leg (e.g., Left) in one 'EMG consistency' graph (see image). This can be useful for analyzing crosstalk and relative timing of activation patterns. When enabled, the EMG consistency graph is shown below the individual EMG graphs and can also be viewed in split screen.


    Additional report templates
    On Moveshelf, a project generally has a customized trial and/or report template configured, which determines what is shown by default in the trials and/or reports (see Report template). The current section describes additional report templates, which allows you to easily choose an alternative pre-set template to be applied to your reports. Examples of the possibilities and when this feature might be useful to you are stated below.

    Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like to setup an additional template for your project.

    With additional reports templates you are able to:
    • apply predefined subsets of graphs to visualize in your reports. This could be useful when you measure data of different populations or pathologies in which you might only analyze certain graphs and/or use only a subset of EMG channels from your default protocol. With an additional report template you can define these subsets as a deviation from your default protocol and visualize only what is relevant by simply applying this template to your report.
    • upload divergent versions of your usual data format specifications. This could be necessary when there is a change in your clinical protocol that results in different names of certain channels. Example: you might start to use different names for EMG channels. These different names could cause Moveshelf to not recognize them anymore and no graphs will be shown for these channels. By specifying these names in an additional report template you will be able to work with data from your previous and new/alternative protocol.

    To change from your default report template to an additional one, choose one of the alternative report templates while creating a report, or by editing an already created report and choose a template in 'Report template', see also Edit report.


    Split screen layout shortcuts
    When viewing a trial or report, you can choose to visualize the data in split screen. Layout shortcuts can be created to have quick access to a certain split screen layout.

    Default layout shortcuts
    If you wish to view the same split screen layout for each subject, contact Moveshelf support to set up default layout shortcuts in the project configuration. These layout shortcuts will then automatically appear in each trial and report for all subjects, under the header 'Layout shortcuts' (see image above). Note that default layout shortcuts cannot be deleted.
    Saved layout shortcuts
    With editing rights on Moveshelf (as an
    editorAn editor is a member that has the rights to edit and view data (e.g., lab operators).
    adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
    ), you can save a split screen layout, creating a layout shortcut in that specific trial or report. Any user visiting the same trial/report can see and open the saved layout shortcut(s).

    To save a layout shortcut:
    1. In a trial or report, select your preferred video and/or graphs and open split screen.
    2. Click 'Save layout' on the top right, enter a name for this layout and click 'Save'.

    To delete a saved layout shortcut:
    1. Open the trial or report where you want to delete a previously saved layout.
    2. Click the trash bin next to the layout to delete it.


    Reorganize trials and reports
    On Moveshelf you can reorganize your trials and reports. First there is the opportunity to change the order of the conditions, secondly you can manually move specific trials to other or new conditions and lastly you can rearrange the order of reports. To reach these options, go to the session home page by clicking on the session name, either on the subject home page or in the navigation menu on the left (visible when looking at a session or trial data).
    Reorder conditions and reports
    You can reorganize your conditions and reports by using the button 'Reorder':
    • Click on 'Reorder'.
    • In the pop-up window, drag the condition name or report to the desired position within its section. Conditions can only be reordered with other conditions, Interactive Reports with other Interactive Reports, and Gait Word Reports with other Gait Word Reports.
    • Click 'Save order' to confirm your changes.

    Moving trials to other conditions

    You can reorganize your trials by using the button 'Move to’:

    • Select all trials you want to include in a new or existing condition.
    • Click on ‘Move to’ and select a condition or create a new condition you want to move the files to.


    Add context force plates Star Icon

    This feature is currently only available for Vicon c3d files and mox files.

    In Vicon Nexus you can enter the information for a good hit of the foot on the force plate by 'Left' or 'Right', or input 'invalid' in every trial. This will generate clean and recognizable patterns of force plate data on Moveshelf in case of a gait cycle analysis (see image 3 in Vicon data structure requirements).

    But, you can also edit the Left/Right/Invalid context of the force plates by editing the trial on Moveshelf, follow the steps below on how to do that:
    • Open the trial on Moveshelf and click the ‘Edit’ button.
    • If force plate data is available in the trial, you will see a section on top of the screen that allows you to select and save the force plate context to the trial.

    Once you have edited the force plate context in a trial, make sure to refresh the page to see the effect in your report, where this trial is included.


    Anonymize videos Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    If this feature is available for your organization, you can anonymize 2D videos by processing your videos through an image recognition algorithm that automatically blurs all faces clearly visible in the videos.
    • Select a trial that includes 2D videos and click on << to open a multiple-choice menu.
    • Select '(BETA) Video anonymizer - HRnet' and click on ‘Run’.
    • After processing, face blurring is applied to all people in the videos.

    This is a BETA feature. The quality of the results is expected to be good, but please check your videos after processing. Please let us know if you think the anonymization did not perform well enough.


    EHR Integration Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    With Moveshelf it is possible to connect movement analysis with existing clinical workflows, by integrating with your local clinical IT system(s), such as an Electronic Health Record (EHR). An integration with an EHR means there is a link between the patient in the EHR and on Moveshelf, based on standardized communication protocols for medical data called HL7 and FHIR. This section focuses on the operator workflow in case of an integration with your EHR.

    Integration with an EHR system generally provides the best workflow when combined with Single Sign On, where the login credentials of your organization are used to log into both the EHR system as well as Moveshelf. This way, clinical personnel who are allowed access by your organization to view patient data on Moveshelf, will automatically be logged into Moveshelf when coming from the EHR.

    Integrations with EHR systems can be designed and developed dependent on the hospital’s requirements. Exact interactions within the EHR software are in control of the wishes and capabilities of your organization and EHR provider’s capabilities. Below are examples of the currently implemented workflows. Please note that these workflows are not the only possible workflows, but merely examples.

    HiX (ChipSoft)

    A current implementation of a HiX integration contains the following steps for a lab operator from movement data acquisition to sharing the results in HiX, in order to provide the data and comparative overview to the treating clinical team. The steps below describe the workflow after the acquisition of movement data has been performed.

    1. Create a subject on Moveshelf
    2. Click the pencil next to the subject name, to add/edit subject information.
    3. Enter the EHR ID of the patient in the Subject Info panel and click 'Save'. Now, this patient is coupled in HiX and Moveshelf.
    4. Upload the data to Moveshelf, or import the data through a third party archive integration (e.g. with ArQive. See section Moveshelf + ArQive for more information).
    5. Sort and/or adjust the presentation of data if preferred, including creating reports.
    6. In HiX, open the patient's file and navigate to 'Weblinks'. Here you can click a link to Moveshelf and immediately land on this patient's home page where you see an overview of all the patient's movement analysis sessions.

    You can copy additional basic patient information from HiX into the subject info panel. To do this, enter the EHR ID of the patient in the text panel on the right side 'Search in HL7 FHIR' and click search. All the information available for this patient is displayed under 'Results'. Click the copy button next to this header to input this information in Moveshelf's subject information.


    An example of an integrated workflow with EPIC is an order based workflow with multiple automated steps. The steps below provide information for a basic understanding of the integration, with a focus on the workflow of a lab operator.

    1. The clinician orders a movement analysis for a patient in EPIC.
    2. As a lab operator, places an extra order for gait analysis in EPIC. This order is automatically completed, and initiates a search on Moveshelf for this patient or the creation of a new patient (subject) and a new session on Moveshelf. The order type and date will automatically be added as labels to a new session on Moveshelf.
    3. Open the patient on Moveshelf by navigating to the url of Moveshelf for your organization: < organization >, and in Moveshelf, search for the subject using the EHR ID from EPIC.
    4. Upload the data to Moveshelf.
    5. Sort and/or adjust the presentation of data if preferred, including creating reports.
    6. Click 'Publish' when the session is ready to be shared with the clinician/team responsible for treatment. This action will visualize a link to the specific patient in Moveshelf in the patient file in EPIC and allow viewers access.

    Opening Moveshelf through the URL in the patient file in EPIC opens the application in protected mode where you have only access as a viewer and switching to another patient on Moveshelf is not possible. As an operator, the recommended workflow is to manually navigate to your Moveshelf domain easily by saving it as a bookmark in your browser.