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  • Visualization of data
  • Playback controls for media
  • Split screen
  • Interactive graphs
  • Synchronized graphs
  • Spatiotemporal parameters
  • 3D avatar overlay in video
  • Goniometer Star Icon
  • SAGA ruler Star Icon
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    This page provides information how the Moveshelf application is structured into Subjects, Trials, and Reports, along with tips and tricks for Visualization of data, and how to Share a subject with others. For details on editing, please visit the Edit Moveshelf page.


    Every user has his own personal homepage, called ‘Dashboard’. Your dashboard holds an overview of all projects of which you are a member.

    Click on the Moveshelf logo or click on ‘Dashboard’ in the menu bar on top of the page to navigate to your personal overview of projects.


    Opening data through URL
    Most likely you will be directed to Moveshelf by a shared URL from a colleague within your organization or from an integrated link in your EHR. Dependent on the link, it will guide you to a specific trial or report or the home page of a subject. After logging in you might enter Moveshelf's dashboard. The figure below describes how to reach your movement data by (1) selecting a subject and viewing your data by (2) clicking a report or (3) expanding a session to navigate to a trial.

    Once you're on the page of a report or trial, a navigation menu appears on the left side of the screen to easily switch between trials, conditions and reports (please see section Navigation menu). Please see sections Trial and Report to learn more about looking at your data on Moveshelf.


    Subject home page
    The subject home page gives you the overview of a subject. In this page you can find all relevant subject information and data from a subject. To navigate to this page, click on the subject’s name on top of the page (highlighted in the picture below).

    If you have entered a Moveshelf subject page through URL's from the EHR (deeplinks), you will only be able to see this subject and its data. You will not be able to navigate away from this subject. This feature is present for your organisation when you see a ‘shield’ icon next to the subject’s name.

    Subject information
    In the subject home page subject information will be displayed. Subject info and the other tabs like Notes and/or Physical Examination will only be present if the lab operator populated information in these sections.
  • Click on ‘Subject info’ to view the specific subject information.
  • Click on ‘Notes’ to view the notes that are shared by the lab operator.
  • Click on ‘Physical examination’ to see all outcomes of the physical examination that has been done.
  • View Movement data
    Below the subject information, movement data is displayed. The movement data is ordered by when the subjects' sessions were created. The session includes all the conditions that have been captured and subsequently each condition includes the trials that have been performed. When you click on the session-date-header, the conditions and each trials will be shown, this way you can navigate to the desired conditions and each trials.


    A Moveshelf link can point to a
    trialA trial contains all data that was captured of a subject during one recording. It can include multiple data types that have been recorded synchronously, e.g. C3D, video, forces and EMG.
    . What is shown in this overview depends on the measurement equipment that was used and the lab operator’s choice. For example, a trial can contain:

    • 2D videos
    • 3D data (avatar)
    • Gait parameters
    • Kinematics
    • Moments
    • Powers
    • Force plate data
    • EMG
    • EMG consistency

    The trial you are viewing is highlighted in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen. Within a trial, click on the headers of the data type to expand the section. Specifically, the 3D data can be found in the panel on the right side of the screen, if available for this trial. If gait parameters are present in the dataset, they will be displayed in a table at the top of the trial view.
    For more info about graph features, go to interactive graphs.


    Reports can be found within a subject's session, or you enter a report through an URL shared in the EPD or by a colleague. A report is an overview of two or more trials, where numeric data is combined and overlaid in graphs, and videos from different trials can be played right next to each other. See section Split screen on how to do this and more great ways to compare different data and media in one customizable view. Under the header ‘Trials in report’ you can see all trials and optional references that are included in this report. Different conditions in reports are indicated by unique line styles in the graphs. The operator will have prepared a report as either a
    comparisonA comparison is best suited for analyzing differences between conditions and/or sessions. When creating a comparison report, all trials are included in one report, grouped per condition and session.
    , or a
    condition summaryA condition summary is best suited for consistency and/or variability analysis. One report will be created for each condition, combining all trials of that condition.
    Explore data in the report
    • To view the 2D video and/or 3D avatar of one of the trials, click on the trial name below the header ‘Trials in report:’ (see A in screenshot below). The 3D avatar will be shown on the right side of the page and the 2D videos will be visible just below the playbar.
    • To open other types of data in the report (e.g., Kinematics, Moments, Powers, EMG) click on the header of the data type you would like to view (see B in screenshot below).
    • Click on the 'eye' icon to hide/show all gait cycles of a trial from the report (see C in screenshot below, or the video). Please note this feature only works for graphs with individual (non-averaged) gait cycles. For other graph interactions, see this section.

    Explore data in the report:

    Show/hide trials in graphs in a report:


    Navigation menu
    When looking at data on Moveshelf, e.g.
    trialsA trial contains all data that was captured of a subject during one recording. It can include multiple data types that have been recorded synchronously, e.g. C3D, video, forces and EMG.
    , a navigation menu is displayed on the left side of the screen. This menu is most useful to easily switch between trials and reports. The trial or report that you are currently looking at is highlighted in this menu, so you know the
    sessionA session is an overview of all recorded measurements done in one ‘visit’ of a subject. It can include multiple conditions and trials.
    and (if applicable)
    conditionA condition is a state in which a subject has been recorded, e.g., barefoot, or with shoes. It can include multiple trials.
    that it belongs to. Reports are located within the session they belong to, close to the original data. Information on the laterality and most dominant plane of the video footage is available behind the name of the trial (Vicon directory only) in this menu, to navigate between trials even more efficiently.

    Hide the navigation menu with the blue button at the top left of the page, to use more space for looking at your data.


    Playback controls for media

    This section provides information on interacting and viewing options for videos and the 3D player on Moveshelf. ‘Playback controls’ contain short keys to manipulate the timeline of your recordings. ‘Viewport controls’ contain short keys to manipulate your viewing experience of your videos and 3D window.

    • Use the time bar on top of the page to play all media in sync.
    • Change the playback speed to view all media in slowmotion using the dropdown menu next to the play button.
    • Click on the arrows at the right top of any window (3D, video or graph) to open it in full screen.
    • When in full screen or split screen a 'skip to next' icon appears in the top left corner of the video to easily go to the next video of this trial (see the section about Split screen for an example).
    • Hover over the 'i' in the time bar to view all playback and viewport controls.
    • If force vector overlay data is present and supported for your dataset, the vector will be displayed on top of the videos that are included in that trial.
    3D player:
    • If 3D marker data is present and supported for your dataset: Click on the header '3D' on the right side of the screen to expand and show the 3D player to see the 3D avatar.
    • If calibration data of your cameras and 3D marker data is present and supported for your dataset, you can combine the 3D avatar and a trial's video in one view. Read more about how to use this feature in the section 3D avatar overlay in video.

    Trials that contain a cropped C3D file (performed in Vicon Nexus) will play the full length of the video. For the frames of the video where the C3D is cropped, at the start and/or end of the trial, the 3D avatar is paused and the graphs do not show data. The 3D avatar and the
    playheadA playhead is a vertical solid line, displayed in a graph, that is synchronized with other trial's media (e.g. video or 3D avatar)
    play in sync with the video within the cropped time frames.

    Producing and showing force vector overlays on top of videos is currently implemented for MoxieViewer .mox files and Noraxon .c3d files.

    Video playback controls
    Below you'll find all playback controls that can be used for videos in all views (e.g., in full screen):
    • Tap or click on time bar: jump to time
    • K or spacebar: play/pause
    • Time bar replay loop - create selection:
      • Hold mouse cursus motionless over time bar (>0.5s), then drag to make a selection (see video below)
      • Shift + i: set selection start
    • Time bar replay loop - cancel selection:
      • Double click on time bar outside the selected area (see video below)
      • Shift + o: set selection end
    • Shift + hover on time bar: jog
    • J or left-arrow: jump – 20ms
    • L or right-arrow: jump +20ms

    3D player controls:
    • Left click: orbit camera
    • Right click: pan camera
    • Mouse wheel: zoom
    • f: toggle follow camera
    • Shift + l: show/hide optical segments
    • Shift + m: show/hide markers
    • Shift + h: toggle GRF visualization
    • Shift + >: show/hide markers trajectory
    • Shift + t: show/hide technical mesh
    • Shift + f: select next chart
    • Shift + ): ortographic/perspective camera
    • Shift + n: select next take


    Split screen
    Working in a split screen makes it easier to perform your analysis and interpretation, because it allows you to view self-selected graphs, an overview of all graphs within a data group (e.g. Kinematics), videos and/or the 3D player in detail, in full screen. This can be used in both trial view and report view, where report view has the added benefit of viewing data and videos from different trials in one screen, even (optional) synchronized based on gait events.
    How to work with split screen
    1. Open a pre-saved split screen layout directly from one of the links in the 'Layout shortcuts' header on top of the trial or report page, prepared by an operator (see video below). These layout shortcuts can contain any selection of videos and/or (group of) graphs that the operator prepared for this trial or report.
    2. Or make a manual selection of your own preferred items by following the next steps (or see video below):
      1. Manually select up to 2 graphs, data groups (e.g. Kinematics), videos and/or the 3D player for either the left or right side of the screen by clicking on the small arrow at the top left of the graph/video/3D player or right next to the header of the data group (the icon appears when hovering over the graph with your mouse).
      2. Next, click on the 'split screen' icon right next to the previously mentioned arrow icon to open your selection in the split screen (full screen).

      Basic interactions and features in split screen
      Tips while using split screen
      • Click on the 'skip to next' icon in the top left corner of the video in split screen to go to the next video of this trial.
      • Open the dropdown menu above the graphs in split screen to easily switch between different graphs.
      • Click on the buttons 'Left' or 'Right' at the bottom right to switch off/on the left or right leg for all graphs.
      • Use ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in on the x-axis and alt + scroll to zoom in on the y-axis of the graphs, to have a more detailed look at the data.
      • Change the playback speed to view all media in slowmotion using the dropdown menu next to the play button.
      • If you are in split screen and zoomed in on the movement data, the graph will follow the playbar during the playback.
      • To optimize your view, you can open your browser in full screen mode by using the following short cut keys:
        • For Windows and Linux: F11
        • For MAC: Press ⌘ + Ctrl + f

      Optional, additional features
      These features are optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with (one of) these features enabled.
      • For analysing EMG-signals (e.g. single EMG-graphs or EMG-consistency graphs) in prolonged gait cycles make sure to select video(s) for the left side and graph(s) for the right side of the split screen. After opening the split screen with this selection a double arrow on top is shown which enlarges the graph section. See the video below.

      • Play videos from different trials in one split screen, for example to compare videos from different conditions or sessions. The videos can be synchronized on a gait event if this information is available in the C3D file. Please read the instructions below or watch the video at the bottom of this section.
        • Click on a trial on top of your report that you would like to have as your primary trial for playing media. The primarily selected trial populates the graphs and the available gait events for synchronization
        • Open split screen by selecting 2 or more videos of this trial and clicking on the split screen icon.
        • Use the dropdown on top of the videos to select videos from other trials that are part of the report. Note, you cannot change the video on the left (or top-left in the case of two videos), as you selected it as the primary trial for playing media.
        • Another dropdown menu will appear in the middle above the playbar. You can use this dropdown to select the (gait) event to synchronize the videos of the different trials.
        • You can now play the videos of the different trials alongside each other, in combination with any data if preferred. The active gait cycle from each selected trial will be highlighted in the graphs.

      View videos from different conditions in split screen


    Interactive graphs

    All graphs or other visual representations of data are interactive on Moveshelf. In this section we explain the basic interactions.

    • Hover over a curve to see a tooltip with the x- and y-value of that point in the curve.
    • Click on a curve to jump to that time. The selected gait cycle will become the active gait cycle and will be highlighted.
    • Click on an item in the graph's legend to show/hide line(s) in that graph. This comes in handy to reduce the amount of lines in this graph (see video below).
    • To hide all data belonging to the right or left side of the subject in your trial or report with just one click, click the Left or Right button on the top right corner of the trial/report (see video below).
    • Click the "Average gait cycles" button at the top right corner of the report to switch between viewing all gait cycles separately and combined using the average and standard devation (see video below). The average line is an average of all gait cycles in all trials, grouped by side and condition (if available). Default is single cycle view.
    • Click on the diagonal arrows in the top right of the graph to open it in full screen.
    • Click on the vertical arrows in the top left of the graph to set the y-axis to either fixed limits or fit-to-data.
    • To have a more detailed look at the data, you can zoom in on both axes. The zooming experience is best when you are in split screen view.
      • Use ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in on the x-axis.
      • Use alt + scroll to zoom in on the y-axis.
      • Use ctrl + alt +scroll to zoom in on both axes at the same time.
    • Vertical lines are drawn at the transition from stance to swing phase (moment of Foot Off) for each detected cycle. This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.
    • To analyze relations between EMG channels (e.g. crosstalk or relative timing in activation patterns) the EMG consistency graphs can be helpful (see image at the bottom of this section). These graphs are available at the bottom of a trial and in the dropdown menu in split screen. In split screen initially only the first two EMG channels are shown. You can manually (de)select EMG channels and enable/disable raw or RMS EMG tracks from the legend next to the graph. This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

      Interactive graphs:

      EMG consistency graph:


    Synchronized graphs
    In any trial or report that contains videos and/or a 3D avatar, a moving vertical solid line will be visualized and played in the graphs that is in sync with the trial's media. This line is called a
    playheadA playhead is a vertical solid line, displayed in a graph, that is synchronized with other trial's media (e.g. video or 3D avatar)
    . Synchronizing data and media allows you to analyze the data in the appropriate visual context of the patient movements at that moment, like in the video of the section below. Depending on the type of graph, either one or two playheads will be shown:

    • Graphs that have only one channel (no left and right, like trunk or pelvis data) have one playhead.
    • Graphs that have channels for left and right (e.g., legs) have two playheads, one for each side (red and green, respectively).

    In case data is plotted over gait cycles instead of a timeline, the gait cycles are plotted on top of each other in a graph. The active gait cycle will be highlighted, together with the corresponding stance-to-swing
    transition lineA vertical line indicating the transition from stance to swing phase (moment of Foot Off)
    if available, to indicate synchronization with the trial's media (see video below).


    Spatiotemporal parameters
    On Moveshelf, spatiotemporal parameters can be visualized both in trial view and report view. What exactly is shown and what these values represent, is dependent on how your motion capture software processed the data and what it includes in the resulting data file before uploading it on Moveshelf. Additionally, you can configure the Report template to show only a subset of these parameters in your report.

    Report view
    Creating a report on Moveshelf can result in a mean + standard deviation (sd) when multiple trials are included that contain these parameters. Dependent on the type of report, the way the mean and sd are calculated differently:
    • In a comparison report the mean and sd are calculated by grouping all trials per condition.
      • With multiple conditions present in your report that contain at least one trial with spatiotemporal parameters per condition, you will get a mean and sd for each condition. You can hover over the values with your mouse and a tooltip with show which condition these values belong to (see an example of a comparison report in the video below).
    • In a condition summary report will calculate the mean and sd of all trials included in the report regardless of the condition.

    If there are trials in a report that don’t contain spatiotemporal parameters, this will simply be ignored. If this results in a full condition not containing these parameters, a row in the spatiotemporal parameter table representing this specific condition will not be shown.

    Hover over the values in the spatiotemporal parameters to see to which condition they belong


    3D avatar overlay in video
    The 3D avatar overlay in video feature enhances the interpretation of movement and biomechanical data by displaying a 3D avatar (see section 3D player) on top of a video (see screenshot below).

    The 3D avatar overlay in video is currently implemented for Qualisys/Theia and requires specific data for the feature to work. See section Theia directory upload for Qualisys/Theia data requirements.

    How to create the 3D overlay in a video:
    • Click on the 'skip to next/cycle video overlay' icon in the top left corner of the 3D player to visualize the first video of the trial on top of the 3D avatar.
    • Continue to use the 'skip to next' icon to cycle through the different videos. For each video, the 3D view will adjust to the camera calibration values that matches the video perspective. When you've cycled through all videos, the next click on the 'skip to next' button results in the 3D player not showing a video.
    • 3D avatar overlay in video is available in both trials and reports, and can be viewed in split screen as well as full screen modes.


    Goniometer Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    When you have a video open in full screen or in split screen, you can activate the goniometer in the top left corner of the video (see below). The goniometer allows you to manually drag lines on top of a video frame and results in giving you the 2D angle between these lines. The points can be individually dragged to the desired location and the angle between the three points is given in the top left corner. The first value shows the enclosed angle in degrees, and the second value is 180°-the enclosed angle.

    Whether you see the goniometer or SAGA ruler depends on your project configuration. When both are enabled a dropdown menu allows you to switch between the two.


    SAGA ruler Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    SAGA ruler stands for “basic SAgittal GAit ruler”. When you have a video open in full screen or in split screen, you can activate the SAGA Ruler in the top left corner of the video (see image below). It allows you to drag lines on top of a video frame, resulting in 2D joint angles.

    First, drag the ankle, knee, and hip circles to place them on top of the corresponding joints. Then, rotate the trunk, pelvis, and foot lines to put them in the correct angle. Make sure the circles for the pelvis and foot lines are facing forward in the walking direction (as shown in the picture below). You can also move the entire model by placing the cursor on one of the lines and dragging.

    In the top left corner you’ll see the following angles:

    • Trunk tilt (Angle between trunk and global vertical axis)
    • Pelvic tilt (Angle between pelvis line and horizontal axis)
    • Hip flexion (Angle between upper leg and perpendicular line from pelvis line)
    • Knee flexion (Angle between upper and lower leg)
    • Ankle dorsiflexion (Angle between lower leg and foot line)
    • Tibia inclination (Angle between lower leg and global vertical axis)

    Whether you see the Goniometer or SAGA ruler depends on your project configuration. When both are enabled a dropdown menu allows you to switch between the two.


    Share with others
    See below how to share data on Moveshelf with others.

    Share internally or with guests
    You can share a Moveshelf page with other members of your project. Follow the steps below:
    • Click ‘Share’ on top of the page that you would like to share with others (see picture below). This can be a trial, report or the subject home page.
    • In case you are sharing with a guest user, select 'Create link for users without single sign-on'. This adjusts the URL to allow guest login, avoiding the automatic SSO login screen when your organization has this enabled.
    • Select either ‘Copy link' or ‘Send email’ to share the relevant URL.

    Sharing a link is secure. Only members within that specific project can open the link. See the section Add members to a project in for more information.

    Share a subject externally

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    As a
    project adminAn admin is a member that has the rights to add others to a project, delete the project, edit data, and view data.
    you are able to give temporary (90 day) access to a subject to an external person, e.g. a specialist from another hospital or the patient themselve, who doesn't have a Moveshelf account and/or is not part of your organization. This person can then view the subject and its data, without obtaining access to the data of other subjects in the project. After 90 days, the external user account is removed from Moveshelf and with it, access is automatically revoked.

    Follow the steps below:

    • Click on the 'Share' button of the page. This can be a trial, report or the subject home page.
    • Select 'Create temporary (90-day) account' and copy the credentials to your clipboard. Make sure you save these credentials to be able to share these with the external person. The credentials will only be shown once.
    • Select 'Create link for users without single sign-on'. This adjusts the URL to allow login with a username and password, avoiding the automatic SSO login screen when your organization has this enabled.
    • Copy the URL by clicking 'Copy Link'.
    • Share the URL and the saved credentials with the external person and help them on their way by sharing this information on Password login workflow.
    • To manually revoke access (e.g. earlier than the automatic 90 days limit) you can delete the external user from the subject by clicking on the recycle bin from the same window which you've used for inviting the user.