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Access and login
  • Access application
  • Password login
  • SSO login Star Icon
  • Guest login Star Icon
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    This page provides information how to Access the Moveshelf application, and how to login using a Password login, SSO login, or Guest login. Furthermore, you can find here what are the Supported devices & browsers and how to change your Profile avatar.

    Access application

    The Moveshelf application This is what we call our product; ‘Moveshelf application’. In the knowledgebase referred to as ‘the application’. is customized for each of organization (customer) that we work with. This allows us to guarantee data security and organization specific preferences. Each organization has their own Moveshelf subdomain (< subdomain > with their separate data storage, which is access controlled. Your organization’s account is set up to only allow access to predefined email domains.

    To access the Moveshelf application, click on a link you might have received from a colleague or available in the patient file in your Electronic Health Record (EHR). This link will redirect you to all multi-media movement data of the subject or patient in question. Before you can access this data, you will have to login on Moveshelf. Continue reading below for information regarding login.

    The picture on the right shows the default login window of Moveshelf.


    Password login

    Login with your business email address and password you have signed up with, or as an external user with the username and password you have received.


    • Reset password
      Did you forget your password? Click on 'Forgot password?' to reset your password. You will receive an email within a few minutes to set a new password. Please also check your spam folder for the email.


    • New to Moveshelf?
      If you don’t have access yet, please contact your Organization’s Moveshelf admin to receive an invitation.


    SSO login Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    SSO login is a Single Sign-On for
    enterpriseAs a Moveshelf customer you have an 'Enterprise' account type, which gives you access to Moveshelf's application and all its released features as a user. Your account type is visible in your profile.
    customers using Microsoft Active Directory. Through SSO your organization is in control of access and editing/viewing rights for all employees. To login with SSO on Moveshelf you use the same credentials as you use for accessing Microsoft Outlook 365 and other software that your organization uses. This way, you are logged in to your Microsoft environment and you’ll have automatic access to Moveshelf with only one click.

    Click on ‘Login with Microsoft Active Directory’* to login with your Microsoft account.


    Guest login Star Icon

    This feature is optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with this feature enabled.

    A guest login can be created by Moveshelf as a way to give temporary access to a group of people. This feature is frequently used by participants in, for example, gait courses. Click on ‘Guest login’ and insert a password you have received from your organization to access Moveshelf.


    Supported devices & browsers

    The Moveshelf application is currently designed for Windows and Apple laptops and desktops. Usage of a tablet or mobile phone is not supported.

    The Moveshelf application is not compatible with operating system versions older than the following versions:

    • Windows 10
    • MacOS Version 14

    The Moveshelf application is supported on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Specifically, we maintain support for the “Extended Stable” release channels of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Other modern browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be supported, but are tested less extensively by our Quality Assurance team. Please contact Moveshelf support if you wish to use these browsers and experience issues. Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported.

    We recommend the following system specifications for optimal use of the Moveshelf application:

    • A minimum of 50 Mbps download speed.
    • A minimum of 30 Mbps upload speed.
    • A screen resolution of 1920x1080 is considered the standard screen resolution for optimal use of the Moveshelf application. Different resolutions may cause layout issues.
    • CPU: Intel® Core™ Ultra 7 155H or a CPU with equivalent or better performance.
    • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Intel® Arc™ or a GPU with equivalent or better performance. Although the Moveshelf application supports machines without a graphics processing unit (GPU), the performance of some components, such as the 3D player, will be degraded by the lack of a GPU.


    Change profile avatar
    You can change your profile avatar on Moveshelf. Please follow the steps below:
    • Go to your personal profile page by clicking on your profile avatar in the top right and select 'Profile'.
    • Click on 'Change avatar' and select an image.
    • Crop the image if needed and click on 'Save'.

    The following image file formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, and WebP.