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Deep linking is available to generate links that will bring a user to an inner section of the site after login. By default all of Moveshelf is password protected and accessible through Single Sign-On (SSO) linked to your organization’s Active Directory or manual login by password and (optional) email address. By default deeplinking does not require any particular action or configuration, sending a specific link to a page is enough to prompt the recipient with a manual login or automatically put then through SSO.
Subject deeplinking
To access subject specific data directly from other applications (e.g. HiX), subject deeplinking can be used based on the following link structure:
  • Staging: https://< customer-domain >< project_id >/subject/< EHR_id >?ehrId
  • Production: https://< customer-domain >< project_id >/subject/< EHR_id >?ehrId

What is needed to for this to work:
  • < project_id >: unique
    projectA project is a space where subjects and their data are stored, and where you can collaborate with the members of that project.
    id for staging and production, please contact Moveshelf support to obtain the specific ids.
  • < EHR_id >: EHR record for a specific subject (can be replaced at client side, e.g. using pattern matching).
    See add subject info on how to setup the EHR_id.
  • Access to Moveshelf: login using SSO (for Entra ID (Azure ED) setup, see the section Entra ID) or manual login (read more about the user perspective for password and SSO login).

When navigating away from a subject specific page accessed through a deeplink, you will be notified about this through a warning (see subject home page)

A Moveshelf link can be opened in any other modern browser such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox. Internet Explorer is not supported.
The query string param *auto=false* can be used to control the behavior when landing through a deeplink. By adding *auto=false* to the end of a deeplink the user can choose to sign in with password and (optional) email address. This is useful for example if the user desires to share a deeplink with someone outside the organization. With SSO enabled and if no *auto=false* is provided, the user is immediately asked to SSO when landing on a Moveshelf page.