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Besides the general data requirements, please note the following additional requirements for the Shriners gait workflow:
  • Gait cycle data:
    • Gait cycle data should contain 51 or 101 samples (a complete cycle from 0-100%).
    • This data includes kinematics, moments, powers, EMG, muscle lengths, and muscle velocities.
  • Data Grouping on Moveshelf:
    • On Moveshelf, data is grouped into the following groups: "Moment” (moments), "Power" (powers), "GRF" (forces), “EMG” (Raw EMG), “Envelope” (Envelope EMG), “Velocity” (Muscle velocity), “Length” (muscle length).
    • These group names should be reflected in your data to ensure proper grouping of graphs.
    • Anything that does not match any of the previously mentioned names will be placed in the group "Kinematics".
  • Spatiotemporal parameters:
    • Variables with the following names can be shown as spatiotemporal parameters on Moveshelf:
      • rightcadence, rightspeed, rightstridelength, rightsteplength, rightsinglesupport, rightdoublesupport, rightfootoff, rightoppositefootoff, rightoppositefootcontact, rightgdi, and rightfdi.
      • For the left side, replace "right" with "left" in the variable names (e.g., leftcadence, leftspeed, etc.).
    • The Report template can be configured to include only a specific subset of these parameters.
  • Gait events:
    • To display gait events in a gait analysis graph, the following foot-off and footcontact times are extracted from the .GCD file:
      • “RightFootOff" & "LeftFootOff" are used for the stance-swing transition lines of the respective legs.
      • "RightOppositeFootOff", "RightOppositeFootContact", "LeftOppositeFootOff" and "LeftOppositeFootContact" are used for the contralateral gait events.
  • EMG:
    • To import high-frequency EMG data from a .GCD file, ensure the variable name includes "Raw" to include all samples. Note that the variable name should not contain the word "Envelope"; otherwise, an envelope will be displayed instead of the high-frequency EMG data.
    • PDF files:
      • All PDF files (e.g. photos or pedobarograph) are automatically added to a condition named "Additional files", and included in the appendix of the gait analysis report. The PDF filename will be used as trial name on Moveshelf and header in the gait analysis report.

      • Note, Variable names are not case sensitive.

        An example directory can be found in the Moveshelf <> Shriners SharePoint.