Besides the
general data requirements, please note the following additional requirements for the Shriners gait workflow:
- Gait cycle data:
- Gait cycle data should contain 51 or 101 samples (a complete cycle from 0-100%).
- This data includes kinematics, moments, powers, EMG, muscle lengths, and muscle velocities.
- Data Grouping on Moveshelf:
On Moveshelf, data is grouped into the following groups: "Moment” (moments), "Power" (powers), "GRF" (forces), “EMG” (Raw EMG), “Envelope” (Envelope EMG), “Velocity” (Muscle velocity), “Length” (muscle length).
- These group names should be reflected in your data to ensure proper grouping of graphs.
- Anything that does not match any of the previously mentioned names will be placed in the group "Kinematics".
- Spatiotemporal parameters:
Variables with the following names can be shown as spatiotemporal parameters on Moveshelf:
rightcadence, rightspeed, rightstridelength, rightsteplength, rightsinglesupport, rightdoublesupport, rightfootoff, rightoppositefootoff, rightoppositefootcontact, rightgdi, and rightfdi.
- For the left side, replace "right" with "left" in the variable names (e.g., leftcadence, leftspeed, etc.).
The Report template can be configured to include only a specific subset of these parameters.
- Gait events:
To display gait events in a gait analysis graph, the following foot-off and footcontact times are extracted from the .GCD file:
- “RightFootOff" & "LeftFootOff" are used for the stance-swing transition lines of the respective legs.
- "RightOppositeFootOff", "RightOppositeFootContact", "LeftOppositeFootOff" and "LeftOppositeFootContact" are used for the contralateral gait events.
- EMG:
To import high-frequency EMG data from a .GCD file, ensure the variable name includes "Raw" to include all samples. Note that the variable name should not contain the word "Envelope"; otherwise, an envelope will be displayed instead of the high-frequency EMG data.
- PDF files: