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A condition summary shows you all the trials that were performed for that condition. You can navigate to a condition summary by the following 3 options:
  • Clicking on the condition header at subject home page
  • Clicking on the condition header at session home page
  • Clicking on the condition header in the left sidebar

Mark trial context
Moveshelf automatically marks trials as 'left', 'right' or 'left + right' while processing a directory by reading the names of these files in the dataset (see Data requirements). The condition summary allows you to manually mark the trials with the options:
  • left
  • right
  • left + right
  • none
The edits will be saved automatically and will be used for the biomechanical evaluation / gait analysis report once you run the corresponding processor. After making changes, a refresh icon appears next to the 'Trial Selection' title. Click on the refresh icon to reload the report to apply the changes to the charts and spatiotemporal parameters on Moveshelf.

Select representative trials

For the Shriners gait workflow only, a representative trial can be selected for each side. The representative trial is used for the EMG graph in the gait analysis report. There can be only one representative trial per side per condition / session.

Human movement data visualization

Next to marking trial context, a condition summary gives you the the opportunity to have a look at the human movement data (and videos) of all trials that are included in a specific condition. Navigate to Trials for more information about the human movement data that is shown and go to interactive graphs when you are interested in the usage of Moveshelf’s interactive graphs to have a better look at the data.