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Vicon folder structure
The Vicon directory upload works with a Vicon session folder. Commonly this is a direct child of the Subject folder. For the upload to work, this folder should include:
  • xxx.Session.enf file. This file is used to detect a Vicon session
  • xxx.Trial.enf or xxx.Trialxx.enf files. This file is used to detect trials within the Vicon session
  • .GCD files (optional)
  • .avi files (optional)
  • .pdf files (optional)
The session folder can have subfolders. All files from all subfolders will be included for the directory upload.

See the Vicon data structure requirements section, Sports medicine data requirements, and Gait data requirements for more details.

We automatically read the condition from the “trial_name.Trial.enf” file, which is editable easily by editing the Description field in Vicon Nexus. This is also documented under Vicon data structure requirements. Make sure to provide this info for all trials to create a complete pre-defined directory.

Mark trial context
GCD files can contain data for both the left and right side of the body. Moveshelf can mark the GCD files' context as 'left', 'right' or 'left + right', based on the name of the files. This context is used to select data from which side of the body is used as input for the sports medicine biomechanical evaluation or gait analysis word report.

The marking is based on the following scheme:
  • If a GCD file name contains L1/L2/L3/L< .. > or 'left' the trial will be marked as 'left'
  • If a GCD file contains R1/R2/R3/R< .. > or 'right' the trial will be marked as 'right'
  • If this is not true the trial will be marked as 'left + right'

Trial context marking can be edited also on Moveshelf when viewing a condition summary (or other report).