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Create a new session
On the subject home page you can create a new session by clicking on 'Add new session', filling in the session date and name, and clicking on 'Add'. After creating a new session, you will be directed to the session home page. You can always get back to this session home page by clicking on the session name either on the subject home page or in the navigation menu on the left (visible when looking at a session or trial).
Add session information
The session home page shows multiple tabs where you can view and edit session information, such as information from the physical exam or patient history. Please note that the tabs and their contents are different for the gait and the sports medicine workflow. Click on 'Edit' next to the session name to edit session information.

Moveshelf displays warning messages to prevent data conflicts when multiple users attempt to edit or save the subject or session information simultaneously. These warnings help you take appropriate action before proceeding. More info can be found here.