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On Moveshelf, spatiotemporal parameters can be visualized both in trial view and report view. What exactly is shown and what these values represent, is dependent on how your motion capture software processed the data and what it includes in the resulting data file before uploading it on Moveshelf. Additionally, you can configure the Report template to show only a subset of these parameters in your report.

Report view
Creating a report on Moveshelf can result in a mean + standard deviation (sd) when multiple trials are included that contain these parameters. Dependent on the type of report, the way the mean and sd are calculated differently:
  • In a comparison report the mean and sd are calculated by grouping all trials per condition.
    • With multiple conditions present in your report that contain at least one trial with spatiotemporal parameters per condition, you will get a mean and sd for each condition. You can hover over the values with your mouse and a tooltip with show which condition these values belong to (see an example of a comparison report in the video below).
  • In a condition summary report will calculate the mean and sd of all trials included in the report regardless of the condition.

If there are trials in a report that don’t contain spatiotemporal parameters, this will simply be ignored. If this results in a full condition not containing these parameters, a row in the spatiotemporal parameter table representing this specific condition will not be shown.

Hover over the values in the spatiotemporal parameters to see to which condition they belong