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Using the FPA monitoring type, you will be able to record and provide feedback on the foot progression angle (FPA).
Instructions for use
  1. Before first use you need to set the target FPA for this specific patient. You can change the target FPA in the Settings page (click on 'Settings' in the bottom navigation bar). Then click on 'Change target FPA' and enter the correct target FPA.
  2. Connect the sensor as explained in Record Xsens DOT + video data.
  3. Go to training mode, by clicking on 'Go to training'.
  4. Start the training session by clicking on 'Start training session'. This will automatically start the calibation, where you need to stand still for 5 seconds with your foot flat on the ground.
  5. Now you can start walking. Make sure to walk straight as much as possible.
  6. Stop the training session by clicking on 'Stop training session'.
FPA measurement
The FPA is defined as the angle between the foot direction and the walking direction. The FPA measurement starts after three consecutive steps of walking straight, and is averaged over five steps. Whenever the algorithm detects a turn, FPA measurement is stopped until there are again three consetive steps of walking straight.
FPA feedback
FPA feedback is provided both visually and through audio.
  • If FPA is too far out: FPA will be displayed in red and the audio feedback will say "naar binnen"
  • If FPA is too far in: FPA will be displayed in green and the audio feedback will say "naar buiten".
  • If FPA is within the target range: FPA will be displayed in grey and the audio feedback will say "Goed".
  • If FPA cannot be calculated (e.g. in or right after a turn): FPA will be displayed as "NaN" and no audio feedback will be provided.