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Using the Garmin Connect monitoring type, you will be able to record step count per minute from the Garmin watch.
How it works
  • Each minute, the Moveshelf watch app checks if current step count is different than last count and stores the count in a dictionary if it has changed with time as key, count as value.
  • The data can be sent from the watch to Moveshelf using the Moveshelf Mobile app.
  • When synchronizing with Moveshelf Mobile, all data from full days are sent from the watch to Moveshelf. This means data from the current day is not included (not a full day yet).
  • Data is stored per day in a trial, each session is a click on the synchronize button (if it finds data).
Instructions for use
  1. Wear the watch for one or more days (up to one week).
  2. The next day, open the Moveshelf Mobile app and press “Synchronize”.
  3. After synchronization, data should be available in the connected subject on Moveshelf.

If sending data from the watch to Moveshelf fails, the application continues with trying to send the data from the next day. If this also fails, synchronization is aborted and a warning is shown. If sending the second day succeeds, data from the previous day is deleted from the watch and an empty trial is created on Moveshelf.