Get in touch

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Reporting performance issues can be challenging due to many factors, some of which are beyond Moveshelf's control. To help us resolve these issues effectively, please provide detailed and accurate information by including the following in your initial support request:
  • Consistency & reproducibility:
    • Does the issue occur every time you perform a specific action? Is the issue consistent across different devices and users?
    • Describe the exact steps leading to the problem.
  • Quantification:
    • Provide precise details about the performance issue, such as "the application takes two minutes to load, whereas it normally loads in thirty seconds." Quantifiable data helps us understand the severity of the issue.
  • Required supporting information:
    • Screen video: Record a video of the issue, either through screen recording software or by using your smartphone. This visual evidence helps us better understand and resolve the issue.
    • Internet speed test results: Performance can be impacted by your internet connection. Include a screenshot of your speed test results (e.g. from
    • Browser error messages: Browsers offer useful error messages when an action fails. Please check the browser's 'console' and include a screenshot of the full browser window, preferably where your Moveshelf page, URL and console are visible. Access the console through the following shortcuts:
      • Windows/Linux: Press Ctrl + Shift + J or F12
      • Mac: Press Cmd + Option + J
  • Including all the above information in your support request will help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

    Please send the accurate performance issue description and the above mentioned screenshots and/or videos to our support department.