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Working in a split screen makes it easier to perform your analysis and interpretation, because it allows you to view self-selected graphs, an overview of all graphs within a data group (e.g. Kinematics), videos and/or the 3D player in detail, in full screen. This can be used in both trial view and report view, where report view has the added benefit of viewing data and videos from different trials in one screen, even (optional) synchronized based on gait events.
How to work with split screen
  1. Open a pre-saved split screen layout directly from one of the links in the 'Layout shortcuts' header on top of the trial or report page, prepared by an operator (see video below). These layout shortcuts can contain any selection of videos and/or (group of) graphs that the operator prepared for this trial or report.
  2. Or make a manual selection of your own preferred items by following the next steps (or see video below):
    1. Manually select up to 2 graphs, data groups (e.g. Kinematics), videos and/or the 3D player for either the left or right side of the screen by clicking on the small arrow at the top left of the graph/video/3D player or right next to the header of the data group (the icon appears when hovering over the graph with your mouse).
    2. Next, click on the 'split screen' icon right next to the previously mentioned arrow icon to open your selection in the split screen (full screen).

    Basic interactions and features in split screen
    Tips while using split screen
    • Click on the 'skip to next' icon in the top left corner of the video in split screen to go to the next video of this trial.
    • Open the dropdown menu above the graphs in split screen to easily switch between different graphs.
    • Click on the buttons 'Left' or 'Right' at the bottom right to switch off/on the left or right leg for all graphs.
    • Use ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom in on the x-axis and alt + scroll to zoom in on the y-axis of the graphs, to have a more detailed look at the data.
    • Change the playback speed to view all media in slowmotion using the dropdown menu next to the play button.
    • If you are in split screen and zoomed in on the movement data, the graph will follow the playbar during the playback.
    • To optimize your view, you can open your browser in full screen mode by using the following short cut keys:
      • For Windows and Linux: F11
      • For MAC: Press ⌘ + Ctrl + f

    Optional, additional features
    These features are optional and only visible to Enterprise customers with (one of) these features enabled.
    • For analysing EMG-signals (e.g. single EMG-graphs or EMG-consistency graphs) in prolonged gait cycles make sure to select video(s) for the left side and graph(s) for the right side of the split screen. After opening the split screen with this selection a double arrow on top is shown which enlarges the graph section. See the video below.

    • Play videos from different trials in one split screen, for example to compare videos from different conditions or sessions. The videos can be synchronized on a gait event if this information is available in the C3D file. Please read the instructions below or watch the video at the bottom of this section.
      • Click on a trial on top of your report that you would like to have as your primary trial for playing media. The primarily selected trial populates the graphs and the available gait events for synchronization
      • Open split screen by selecting 2 or more videos of this trial and clicking on the split screen icon.
      • Use the dropdown on top of the videos to select videos from other trials that are part of the report. Note, you cannot change the video on the left (or top-left in the case of two videos), as you selected it as the primary trial for playing media.
      • Another dropdown menu will appear in the middle above the playbar. You can use this dropdown to select the (gait) event to synchronize the videos of the different trials.
      • You can now play the videos of the different trials alongside each other, in combination with any data if preferred. The active gait cycle from each selected trial will be highlighted in the graphs.

    View videos from different conditions in split screen