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The subject home page gives you the overview of a subject. In this page you can find all relevant subject information and data from a subject. To navigate to this page, click on the subject’s name on top of the page (highlighted in the picture below).

If you have entered a Moveshelf subject page through URL's from the EHR (deeplinks), you will only be able to see this subject and its data. You will not be able to navigate away from this subject. This feature is present for your organisation when you see a ‘shield’ icon next to the subject’s name.

Subject information
In the subject home page subject information will be displayed. Subject info and the other tabs like Notes and/or Physical Examination will only be present if the lab operator populated information in these sections.
  • Click on ‘Subject info’ to view the specific subject information.
  • Click on ‘Notes’ to view the notes that are shared by the lab operator.
  • Click on ‘Physical examination’ to see all outcomes of the physical examination that has been done.
  • View Movement data
    Below the subject information, movement data is displayed. The movement data is ordered by when the subjects' sessions were created. The session includes all the conditions that have been captured and subsequently each condition includes the trials that have been performed. When you click on the session-date-header, the conditions and each trials will be shown, this way you can navigate to the desired conditions and each trials.