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Reference data is based on (a selection of) your own data. It is possible to have multiple reference datasets in one project, like age grouped or matched by movement disorder. Reference data can be added to the report when creating it (for more information see Create report). Also after creating a report, you can add or change the reference data by using Edit report.

EMG reference data
There are two ways to visualize EMG reference data on Moveshelf:
  1. Add your own EMG reference dataset to your Excel file to overlay the data in the EMG graphs on Moveshelf, just like we do for kinematics/kinetic graphs (see image below). This way you will be able to adjust or create multiple versions of your reference dataset.

  2. Use Moveshelf's default EMG reference dataset, displaying normal timing of EMG activation at the bottom of the EMG graphs (see image below). Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like to have this reference dataset enabled in your project configuration.