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MOX files are XML files. There can be differences between MOX formats, dependent on which system was used to generate them and other possible postprocessing manipulations. Moveshelf’s current support targets mox formats which can be visualized by Motek’s Gait Offline Analysis Tool (GOAT) or VU Medical Center Amsterdam’s MoXie Viewer.

MOX files can include movement data like EMG, kinematics, kinetics, data from force plates and information on synchronization. This data can be visualized and played synchronously on Moveshelf.

For the MOX format, Moveshelf supports the visualization of a ground reaction force vector overlay. This functionality is based on the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) matrix provided in the MOX file. The location of the force plate and relative mapping to the camera’s is read from the file, together with the magnitude of the force vector. Next, the vector is scaled and projected on top of the video(s) of the trial to produce the force overlay.

Other data formats are currently required to produce a force vector overlay in their native software and export the video to include the overlay. Moveshelf will visualize the video accordingly.