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Moveshelf is an application where a wide variety of data types (and corresponding data formats) are supported, for secure storage as well as for visualization. This way, movement analysis measurements and interpretations come together in one place independent of which technology was used or even which lab was visited by your subject.

In this section we take the opportunity to list the currently supported data types and formats. If you work with a data type or format that is not in this list, feel free to contact Moveshelf Moveshelf support and inquire about the possibilities.
Data types
On Moveshelf different data types are supported. Data types can include several key parts of your data, so an explanation of which data we read from each type is also mentioned where helpful.
  • 3D movement analysis data
    • This can include 3D, kinematics, kinetics, EMG and gait parameters.
    • Supported formats are .c3d, .mox, .xlsx, .adc and .mvnx.
  • Videos
    • This can include videos taken by smart phones, normal video cameras or synchronized cameras as part of an integrated setup. See below the list of system and manufacturers we work with.
    • Supported formats are .avi, .mp4, .mov and .mkv
  • Documents & pictures
    • This can include results of a physical examination, any type of report or other free text and pictures stored as a document.
    • Supported format is PDF

Some of the supported data formats mentioned above can be implemented with considerable variations by different vendors. Although we take care to support a broad variation of formats, some files may not work out-of-the-box or may be visualized incorrectly when uploaded. Please contact Moveshelf support if you would like us to look into such a file.