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You can fill a default or customized set of subject information parameters on Moveshelf. To add/edit this information, go to the subject home page and click on the ‘Edit’-button next to the subject’s name at the top of the page. You can add/edit subject information on Moveshelf by using manual input (described below) or import subject information via EHR.

Manual input
    Fill in the form manually and click on ‘Save’. You can also modify the Subject ID (the name that appears in the subject list on Moveshelf).
    Note: some fields can have a value for every date. This can be helpful, for example, when specifying a body weight to use for normalizing moments and powers in trials from a specific date.

    When entering the EHR ID for a subject, ensure it is unique within the project. When you enter an EHR ID that already exists, an error message will be displayed, and the subject information will not be updated.

    Customize your subject information panel
    Upon request, fields for (additional) parameters can be added, modified, and/or customized.
    1. Download the Excel subject information template here: Moveshelf Excel subject information template.
    2. Customize the Excel template to include only the parameters you require and delete unnecessary fields.
    3. Send the customized Excel template to Moveshelf support for review and implementation.
    4. When the provided input is reviewed and accepted by Moveshelf, it will be implemented exactly as specified. This includes the order of dropdown options, possible spelling errors, and capitalization.