Source code for moveshelf_api.api

This module provides core components for interacting with Moveshelf, including data types and an API client
for managing projects, subjects, sessions, conditions, and clips. 

    - Python standard library modules: `base64`, `json`, `logging`, `re`, `struct`, `os.path`
    - Third-party modules: `requests`, `six`, `enum` (optional), `crcmod`, `mypy_extensions`

import base64
import json
import logging
import re
import struct
from os import path

    import enum
except ImportError:
    print('Please install enum34 package')

import requests
import six
from crcmod.predefined import mkPredefinedCrcFun
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict

logger = logging.getLogger('moveshelf-api')

[docs] class TimecodeFramerate(enum.Enum): """ Enum representing supported video framerates for timecodes. Attributes: FPS_24 (str): 24 frames per second. FPS_25 (str): 25 frames per second. FPS_29_97 (str): 29.97 frames per second. FPS_30 (str): 30 frames per second. FPS_50 (str): 50 frames per second. FPS_59_94 (str): 59.94 frames per second. FPS_60 (str): 60 frames per second. FPS_1000 (str): 1000 frames per second. """ FPS_24 = '24' FPS_25 = '25' FPS_29_97 = '29.97' FPS_30 = '30' FPS_50 = '50' FPS_59_94 = '59.94' FPS_60 = '60' FPS_1000 = '1000'
Timecode = TypedDict('Timecode', { 'timecode': str, 'framerate': TimecodeFramerate }) """ A typed dictionary representing a timecode. Keys: - timecode (str): The timecode string in `HH:MM:SS:FF` format. - framerate (TimecodeFramerate): The framerate associated with the timecode. """ Metadata = TypedDict('Metadata', { 'title': str, 'description': str, 'previewImageUri': str, 'allowDownload': bool, 'allowUnlistedAccess': bool, 'startTimecode': Timecode }, total=False) """ A typed dictionary representing metadata for a clip. Keys: - title (str): The title of the clip. - description (str): The description of the clip. - previewImageUri (str): The URI for the preview image. - allowDownload (bool): Whether downloading is allowed. - allowUnlistedAccess (bool): Whether unlisted access is allowed. - startTimecode (Timecode): Optional start timecode for the clip. """
[docs] class MoveshelfApi(object): """ Client for interacting with the Moveshelf API. This class provides methods to manage projects, subjects, sessions, conditions, and clips on the Moveshelf platform. Attributes: api_url (str): The API endpoint URL. _auth_token (BearerTokenAuth): Authentication token for API requests. _crc32c (function): CRC32C checksum function for file validation. """ def __init__(self, api_key_file='mvshlf-api-key.json', api_url=''): """ Initialize the Moveshelf API client. Args: api_key_file (str): Path to the JSON file containing the API key. Defaults to 'mvshlf-api-key.json'. api_url (str): URL for the Moveshelf GraphQL API. Defaults to ''. Raises: ValueError: If the API key file is not found or invalid. """ self._crc32c = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc32c') self.api_url = api_url if not path.isfile(api_key_file): raise ValueError("No valid API key. Please check instructions on") with open(api_key_file, 'r') as key_file: data = json.load(key_file) self._auth_token = BearerTokenAuth(data['secretKey'])
[docs] def getProjectDatasets(self, project_id): """ Retrieve datasets for a given project. Args: project_id (str): The ID of the project. Returns: list: A list of datasets, each containing `name` and `downloadUri`. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getProjectDatasets($projectId: ID!) { node(id: $projectId) { ... on Project { id, name, datasets { name, downloadUri } } } } ''', projectId=project_id ) return [d for d in data['node']['datasets']]
[docs] def getUserProjects(self): """ Retrieve all projects associated with the current user. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing the `name` and `id` of a project. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query { viewer { projects { name id } } } ''' ) return [{k: v for k, v in p.items() if k in ['name', 'id']} for p in data['viewer']['projects']]
[docs] def createClip(self, project, metadata=Metadata()): """ Create a new clip in the specified project with optional metadata. Args: project (str): The project ID. metadata (Metadata): Metadata for the new clip. Defaults to an empty Metadata dictionary. Returns: str: The ID of the created clip. """ creation_response = self._createClip(project, { 'clientId': 'manual', 'metadata': metadata })'Created clip ID: %s', creation_response['mocapClip']['id']) return creation_response['mocapClip']['id']
[docs] def uploadFile(self, file_path, project, metadata=Metadata()): """ Upload a file to a specified project. Args: file_path (str): The local path to the file being uploaded. project (str): The project ID where the file will be uploaded. metadata (Metadata): Metadata for the file. Defaults to an empty Metadata dictionary. Returns: str: The ID of the created clip. """'Uploading %s', file_path) metadata['title'] = metadata.get('title', path.basename(file_path)) metadata['allowDownload'] = metadata.get('allowDownload', False) metadata['allowUnlistedAccess'] = metadata.get('allowUnlistedAccess', False) if metadata.get('startTimecode'): self._validateAndUpdateTimecode(metadata['startTimecode']) creation_response = self._createClip(project, { 'clientId': file_path, 'crc32c': self._calculateCrc32c(file_path), 'filename': path.basename(file_path), 'metadata': metadata })'Created clip ID: %s', creation_response['mocapClip']['id']) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: requests.put(creation_response['uploadUrl'], data=fp) return creation_response['mocapClip']['id']
[docs] def uploadAdditionalData(self, file_path, clipId, dataType, filename): """ Upload additional data to an existing clip. Args: file_path (str): The local path to the file being uploaded. clipId (str): The ID of the clip to associate with the data. dataType (str): The type of the additional data (e.g., 'video', 'annotation'). filename (str): The name to assign to the uploaded file. Returns: str: The ID of the uploaded data. """'Uploading %s', file_path) creation_response = self._createAdditionalData(clipId, { 'clientId': file_path, 'crc32c': self._calculateCrc32c(file_path), 'filename': filename, 'dataType': dataType })'Created clip ID: %s', creation_response['data']['id']) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: requests.put(creation_response['uploadUrl'], data=fp) return creation_response['data']['id']
[docs] def updateClipMetadata(self, clip_id, metadata): """ Update the metadata for an existing clip. Args: clip_id (str): The ID of the clip to update. metadata (Metadata): The updated metadata for the clip. Returns: None """'Updating metadata for clip: %s', clip_id) if metadata.get('startTimecode'): self._validateAndUpdateTimecode(metadata['startTimecode']) res = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation updateClip($input: UpdateClipInput!) { updateClip(clipData: $input) { clip { id } } } ''', input={ 'id': clip_id, 'metadata': metadata } )'Updated clip ID: %s', res['updateClip']['clip']['id'])
[docs] def createSubject(self, project_id, name): """ Create a new subject within a project. Args: project_id (str): The ID of the project where the subject will be created. name (str): The name of the new subject. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the `id` and `name` of the created subject. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation createPatientMutation($projectId: String!, $name: String!) { createPatient(projectId: $projectId, name: $name) { patient { id name } } } ''', projectId=project_id, name=name ) return data['createPatient']['patient']
[docs] def updateSubjectMetadataInfo(self, subject_id, info_to_save): """ Update the metadata for an existing subject. Args: subject_id (str): The ID of the subject to update. info_to_save (dict): The metadata to save for the subject. Returns: bool: Whether the metadata update was successful. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation updatePatientMutation($patientId: ID!, $metadata: JSONString) { updatePatient(patientId: $patientId, metadata: $metadata) { updated } } ''', patientId=subject_id, metadata=info_to_save ) return data['updatePatient']['updated']
[docs] def getSubjectContext(self, subject_id): """ Retrieve the context information for a specific subject. Args: subject_id (str): The ID of the subject to retrieve. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing subject details such as ID, name, metadata, and associated project information (i.e., project ID, description, canEdit permission, and unlistedAccess permission). """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getPatientContext($patientId: ID!) { node(id: $patientId) { ... on Patient { id, name, metadata, project { id description canEdit unlistedAccess } } } } ''', patientId=subject_id ) return data['node']
[docs] def createSession(self, project_id, session_path, subject_id): """ Create a session for a specified subject within a project. Args: project_id (str): The ID of the project where the session will be created. session_path (str): The path to associate with the session. subject_id (str): The ID of the subject for whom the session is created. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the session's ID and project path. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation createSessionMutation($projectId: String!, $projectPath: String!, $patientId: ID!) { createSession(projectId: $projectId, projectPath: $projectPath, patientId: $patientId) { session { id projectPath } } } ''', projectId=project_id, projectPath=session_path, patientId=subject_id ) return data['createSession']['session']
[docs] def getProjectClips(self, project_id, limit, include_download_link=False): """ Retrieve clips from a specified project. Args: project_id (str): The ID of the project from which to fetch clips. limit (int): The maximum number of clips to retrieve. include_download_link (bool): Whether to include download link information in the result. Defaults to False. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing clip information such as ID, title, and project path. If `include_download_link` is True, includes file name and download URI. """ query = ''' query getAdditionalDataInfo($projectId: ID!, $limit: Int) { node(id: $projectId) { ... on Project { id, name, clips(first: $limit) { edges { node { id, title, projectPath } } } } } } ''' if include_download_link: query = ''' query getAdditionalDataInfo($projectId: ID!, $limit: Int) { node(id: $projectId) { ... on Project { id, name, clips(first: $limit) { edges { node { id, title, projectPath originalFileName originalDataDownloadUri } } } } } } ''' data = self._dispatch_graphql( query, projectId=project_id, limit=limit ) return [c['node'] for c in data['node']['clips']['edges']]
[docs] def getAdditionalData(self, clip_id): """ Retrieve additional data associated with a specific clip. Args: clip_id (str): The ID of the clip for which to fetch additional data. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing details about additional data, including: ID, data type, upload status, original file name, preview data URI, and original data download URI. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getAdditionalDataInfo($clipId: ID!) { node(id: $clipId) { ... on MocapClip { id, additionalData { id dataType uploadStatus originalFileName previewDataUri originalDataDownloadUri } } } } ''', clipId=clip_id ) return data['node']['additionalData']
[docs] def getClipData(self, clip_id): """ Retrieve information about a specific clip. Args: clip_id (str): The ID of the clip to retrieve. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the clip's ID, title, and description. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getClipInfo($clipId: ID!) { node(id: $clipId) { ... on MocapClip { id, title, description } } } ''', clipId=clip_id ) return data['node']
[docs] def getProjectAndClips(self): """ Retrieve a list of all projects and the first 20 clips associated with each project. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains project details (ID and name) and a nested list of clip details (ID and title). """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query { viewer { projects { id name clips(first: 20) { edges { node { id, title } } } } } } ''' ) return [p for p in data['viewer']['projects']]
[docs] def getProjectSubjects(self, project_id): """ Retrieve all subjects (patients) associated with a specific project. Args: project_id (str): The ID of the project to retrieve subjects for. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing the subject's ID and name. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getProjectPatients($projectId: ID!) { node(id: $projectId) { ... on Project { patients { id name } } } } ''', projectId=project_id ) return [{k: v for k, v in p.items() if k in ['name', 'id']} for p in data['node']['patients']]
[docs] def getSubjectDetails(self, subject_id): """ Retrieve details about a specific subject, including metadata, associated projects, reports, sessions, clips, and norms. Args: subject_id (str): The ID of the subject to retrieve. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the subject's details, including: - ID, name, and metadata. - Associated project details (ID). - List of reports (ID and title). - List of sessions with nested clips and norms details. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getPatient($patientId: ID!) { node(id: $patientId) { ... on Patient { id, name, metadata, project { id } reports { id title } sessions { id projectPath clips { id title created projectPath uploadStatus hasCharts } norms { id name uploadStatus projectPath clips { id title } } } } } } ''', patientId=subject_id ) return data['node']
[docs] def processGaitTool(self, clip_ids, trial_type): """ Submit a Gait Tool processing job for the specified clips and trial type. Args: clip_ids (list): A list of clip IDs to process. trial_type (str): The trial type for the processing job. Returns: str: The job ID of the created processing task. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation processGaitTool($clips: [String!], $trialType: String) { processGaitTool(clips: $clips, trialType: $trialType) { jobId } } ''', clips=clip_ids, trialType=trial_type ) return data['processGaitTool']['jobId']
[docs] def getJobStatus(self, job_id): """ Retrieve the status of a specific job by its ID. Args: job_id (str): The ID of the job to check. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the job's ID, status, result, and description. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query jobStatus($jobId: ID!) { node(id: $jobId) { ... on Job { id, status, result, description } } } ''', jobId=job_id ) return data['node']
[docs] def getSessionById(self, session_id): """ Retrieve detailed information about a session by its ID. Args: session_id (str): The ID of the session to retrieve. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing session details, including: - ID, projectPath, and metadata. - Associated project, clips, norms, and patient information. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' query getSession($sessionId: ID!) { node(id: $sessionId) { ... on Session { id, projectPath, metadata, project { id name canEdit } clips { id title created projectPath uploadStatus hasCharts hasVideo } norms { id name uploadStatus projectPath clips { id title } } patient { id name } } } } ''', sessionId=session_id ) return data['node']
def _validateAndUpdateTimecode(self, tc): """ Validate and update a timecode dictionary. Args: tc (dict): A dictionary containing timecode and framerate information. Raises: AssertionError: If timecode or framerate is invalid. """ assert tc.get('timecode') assert tc.get('framerate') assert isinstance(tc['framerate'], TimecodeFramerate) assert re.match('\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[:;]\d{2,3}', tc['timecode']) tc['framerate'] = tc['framerate'].name def _createClip(self, project, clip_creation_data): """ Create a new clip in the specified project. Args: project (str): The ID of the project where the clip will be created. clip_creation_data (dict): The data required to create the clip. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the client ID, upload URL, and clip ID. """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation createClip($input: ClipCreationInput!) { createClips(input: $input) { response { clientId, uploadUrl, mocapClip { id } } } } ''', input={ 'project': project, 'clips': [clip_creation_data] } ) return data['createClips']['response'][0] def _calculateCrc32c(self, file_path): """ Calculate the CRC32C checksum of a file. Args: file_path (str): The path to the file to calculate the checksum for. Returns: str: The Base64-encoded CRC32C checksum. """ with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: crc = self._crc32c( b64_crc = base64.b64encode(struct.pack('>I', crc)) return b64_crc if six.PY2 else b64_crc.decode('utf8') def _createAdditionalData(self, clipId, metadata): """ Create additional data for a specific clip. Args: clipId (str): The ID of the clip to associate the additional data with. metadata (dict): Metadata for the additional data, including data type and filename. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the upload URL and data details (ID, type, and upload status). """ data = self._dispatch_graphql( ''' mutation createAdditionalData($input: CreateAdditionalDataInput) { createAdditionalData(input: $input) { uploadUrl data { id dataType originalFileName uploadStatus } } } ''', input={ 'clipId': clipId, 'dataType': metadata['dataType'], 'crc32c': metadata['crc32c'], 'filename': metadata['filename'], 'clientId': metadata['clientId'] } ) return data['createAdditionalData'] def _dispatch_graphql(self, query, **kwargs): """ Send a GraphQL query or mutation to the API and return the response data. Args: query (str): The GraphQL query or mutation string. **kwargs: Variables to be passed into the GraphQL query. Raises: requests.exceptions.RequestException: If the HTTP request fails. GraphQlException: If the GraphQL response contains errors. Returns: dict: The `data` field from the GraphQL response, containing the requested information. """ payload = { 'query': query, 'variables': kwargs } response =, json=payload, auth=self._auth_token) response.raise_for_status() json_data = response.json() if 'errors' in json_data: raise GraphQlException(json_data['errors']) return json_data['data']
[docs] class BearerTokenAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): """ A custom authentication class for using Bearer tokens with HTTP requests. Attributes: _auth (str): The formatted Bearer token string. """ def __init__(self, token): """ Initialize the BearerTokenAuth instance with a token. Args: token (str): The Bearer token to use for authentication. """ self._auth = 'Bearer {}'.format(token) def __call__(self, request): """ Modify the request to include the Bearer token in the Authorization header. Args: request (requests.PreparedRequest): The HTTP request object. Returns: requests.PreparedRequest: The modified HTTP request object. """ request.headers['Authorization'] = self._auth return request
[docs] class GraphQlException(Exception): """ An exception raised when a GraphQL response contains errors. Attributes: error_info (list): A list of error information returned by the GraphQL API. """ def __init__(self, error_info): """ Initialize the GraphQlException with error information. Args: error_info (list): The list of errors from the GraphQL response. """ self.error_info = error_info